upgrading the software to use all features

• Dec 23, 2015 - 20:50

I have now paid for a subscription and donation, and still do not have the ability in the software to use all of the features, like exporting parts. How do I get all features enabled?


Welcome to MuseScore! I can guess you haven't used a lot of FLOSS programs before—it may be surprising, but all features are enabled by default, for free. It's possible you haven't done an essential step in the process of exporting parts—namely, before using the File -> Export Parts… command, you have to use the File -> Parts… command to create the parts that you will then be able to export. If you haven't set up parts for your score, then indeed Export Parts will be disabled until you do that. See https://musescore.org/en/node/36156 for full details.

To say it differently, you don't need to donate or subscribe to anything to use all the features of the MuseScore software. You can get the full and only version of MuseScore here https://musescore.org/en/download

However, if you like the MuseScore software, your donation is very welcome and will help further development https://musescore.org/en/donate

And, if you want to enjoy all the benefits of MuseScore.com, the sheet music sharing website, you can indeed buy a subscription. You will then be able to upload an unlimited amount of sheet music and be able to download parts, among other benefits. See https://musescore.com/upgrade for the details.

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