How to fit multiple measures on a page

• Dec 28, 2015 - 16:47

(Version 2.0.2, Windows 7) I'm currently writing a piece for SATB choir, with violin and either double bass or french horn (not sure yet), but no matter what I do some of the pages will only fit one measure, with notes being several inches apart. I've tried decreasing leading space and trailing space for individual notes, but that doesn't do anything, and I can't find anything else that would fix it. It's more of a formatting thing, but it does look really weird with only one measure on some of the pages.


Look at the top right corner of the pages that are giving you grief. The blue square with the carriage return symbol is a line break, perhaps created accidentally by clicking on the barline and pressing [Return]. Just click on the square and delete it. To remove all of them in one go, right-click on one and choose Select -> All Similar Elements before pressing [Delete].

You have placed line breaks on the measures that take a whole page. Delete them and all will be well. Eg, right click one (the little blue icon above the barline), Select / All Similar Elements, hit Delete.

Thanks, that fixed it. I didn't add those manually (at least I don't think I did), so the program might have added them thinking I wanted them. Thanks a lot!

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I created a new score to create it, and I didn't add them myself (at least not knowingly). Again, I am pretty ignorant of some of the more obscure aspects of music (being a vocalist who doesn't play an instrument, I have absolutely no idea what about 25% of the symbols are), as well as some of the more in-depth aspects of MuseScore, so I'd be willing to say I did add line breaks without knowing. But I didn't knowingly do it, because I probably wouldn't have known what they do if I did add them.

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