Translation of the release notes.

• Feb 10, 2011 - 17:02

I want to translate Release notes for MuseScore 1.0 page, but I can't: the "Translate" tab is not shown.


Great you are so enthusiastic to translate, but if we enable release notes for translation, that means all translators are invited to translate those release notes. We don't think it's enough added value to translate the release notes. Sorry if this answer is disappointing. If enough translators tell otherwise, I might open up the release notes for translation.

In reply to by Thomas

Thomas, Are translators able to create a separate post with the translation, if they want to? (As a forum post, for example)

I agree that this type of page only has value for a certain length of time, and is less of a priority so I understand why it may be best to leave it out of the list of translator assignments.

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