Elongating bars to contain text, not notation.

• Jan 8, 2016 - 17:39

Hi all,

Am wondering if anyone can help me at all? Im writing drum charts and want to elongate bars to show text with no notation. To explain more, Ive written down the first bar of a drumbeat, which I want repeated for another 7 bars. Instead of having 7 individual bars repeat, is there a way to elongate a single bar and have a performance direction written in or above it saying 'PLAY 7 MORE'? Ideally without any rest symbols getting in the way. This would save me loads of time if its possible.

Im just using these as cheat sheets for rehearsals, so won't be using the charts for playback through MuseScore. If anyone can help at all, it'd be much appreciated!



The usual way to do this would be to either use measure repeat symbols or slash notation. In either case, you'd actually have eight full measures, but only the first would have notes. The other seven would contain the measure repeat symbol (first symbol in repeats palette):


or slashes plus the explanatory text (Edit / Tools Fill With Slashes).


Either notation takes only seconds to create. It sounds like you might be describing something different, in which case maybe if you posted a picture we could understand better. Or you might consider just changing to one of these more standard notations.

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