Horizontal frame crashes / alternatives?

• Jan 20, 2016 - 21:43

I'm creating a series of brief (1-2 measure) examples, each on its own system. I'm using horizontal frames at the end of nearly every system so the measures aren't so wide. I'm getting a lot of crashes...actually not crashes but the whole layout gets weird (it gets messed up visually), then when I click to close the document it doesn't actually close but brings everything back to the way it was (visually). Usually, at least (I think it's crashed at least once or twice). I'll attach an example of what I'm trying to do below.

Since I'm using possibly dozens if not hundreds of horizontal frames in this score, I'm wondering if horizontal frames are known to cause visual distortions or program crashes? If so, is there an alternative to shorten the length of systems?


P.S. I accidentally posted this twice, but can't for the life of me figure out how to delete the redundant post. If there is a way, it's not at all obvious...

Horizontal Frames.png


Which version of MuseScore, what OS, can you share a score showing the problem?
Are you aware that you can apply a system break to horizontal Frames?

And no, I'm not aware of known problems with frames Messing up layout or crashing and no, you can't delete a post, only the webmaster can.

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

I'm not super-comfortable sharing this particular score on the forum. Also, as to *how* it happens exactly, I'm not sure I could tell you how to reproduce it. In any event, adding a line break to each horizontal frame seems to have solved the problem.

I bet if you created something like the above score without line breaks, and then tried to add a new measure and horizontal frame in the middle of the score, you would see the problem occur.

Thanks to everyone for your help!


In reply to by darkstream

Feel free to delete notes from the score if you don't want to share it, but also keep in mind, virtually know one will see this except developers and a couple of people trying to help. There really is nothing to worry about.

Anyhow, the bugs mentioned above are the only ones I know of in this area. If one seems to match what you are seeing, then great. If not, then we really need your help to understand. But your picture does appear to show a horizontal frame on a system all by itself, which really doesn't make sense and you should be using something else like a vertical frame or spacer. And the horizontal frame all by itself on a system *is* the cause of one of the bugs mentioned above.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella


I'm confused by your comment. According to the Handbook, horizontal frames can be used to create a right margin at the end of a system. This is what I'm trying to do.

Maybe it's because you didn't realize that the horizontal frame on the system all by itself (in my above example) IS the bug ... that's what it looks like when everything goes awry!

P.S. In any event, as I said, adding a break to each frame has stopped this issue from reoccuring...so far at least!

In reply to by darkstream

Sorry, you are absolutely correct that I did not realize the frame by itself was the bug. I thought you did that on purpose for some reason.

It's still the case that any time you think you have found a bug, we will need the actual score and precise steps to reproduce the bug if we are to have much chance of fixing it. So if you still think there is a bug here *other* than the one I know about (where deliberately putting a horizontal frame on a system by itself causes bad things to happen), we would still like more information. Even if you are temporarily working around the bug by adding breaks, if there is a bug, we'd like to fix it.

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