Using (note) symbols in text

• Jan 26, 2016 - 00:37

The following problem has come up that used to be easy to solve in 1.4.
I have a tempo instruction like this: "l'istesso tempo (minim) = (dotted minim)" (meaning a 2/4 is equal to a 3/4 measure) where the parts in brackets are supposed to be note symbols.

In 1.4. you could call up a keyboard and pick the notes from there, dotted and undated. This appears to have been abandoned and I find no mention in the handbook. I tried to attach it to text from the symbol palette, hoping to find a way to adjust the size to the 12 point font, but no luck.

So what is the procedure for this {fairly common) problem? (I don'w want to use the WORD minim as Germans and French and Italians generally don't know the English word "minim"--to be honest, the English and the French nomenclatures on this are bizarre and the German one ought to be universally accepted as logical and easy to memorize).


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