When does "Accolade distance" affect the score?

• Mar 1, 2011 - 13:59

I'm not seeing a change in my score when I change my "Accolade distance". The only way I've been able to change the distance between the treble and bass staves is by decreasing/increasing the lyrics font size.

I'm using MuseScore 1.0 Revision 3996, on Windows 7. I've attached an example of the music.

ps Congrats on releasing version 1.0, the improvement has been amazing.

Attachment Size
Example for forum.mscz 3.08 KB


There is no accolade in your example. The accolade is the big brace in front of a system in a piano score.
In your case you can increase lyrics upper/lower margins if you want more space between two staves of the same system and system distance for the space between two systems.

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