Musescore Staffline ColorSizer

• Jan 30, 2016 - 01:26

Inspired by marsca's thread about using colors for dyslexic people // I became curious about the possibility of processing Musescore exported svg's by a macro that is embedded in an LibreOffice/OpenOffice odt file.

As result you can now try
Musescore Staffline ColorSizer to change colors and widths of Stafflines, ledger lines, Tablature lines and guitar chord diagrams on exported svg's from Musescore 2.0.2.

In LibreOffice you must enable macros in the security settings. Put your svg's in the same folder as the .odt file. Processed files will be named "filename_col!.svg"
For easy practice view your files in Firefox and reload when you tried new settings.

Please test. I would be surprised if it doesn't create funny unexpected results on complex scores :-)

Musescore Staffline ColorSizer.PNG


Attachment Size
Musescore_Staffline_ColorSizer.odt 22.82 KB


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