Upload to Musecore.com changes layout--pain in the butt

• Feb 10, 2016 - 06:16

I have been trying to use Musescore.com as a back up to generate Pdf files since this is not working correctly on MacOS.
I uploaded the attached score (part of a violin part) and got it reformatted in such a way that a line was added and one measure appeared all alone on a whole line. Really ugly and indeed hard to read. I tried adding line breaks. No luck. I tried changing the stretch in the affected measures. No luck. Now I am out of ideas.
Any tips on how to manage this (my first attempt was beginner's luck and went perfectly)?

Attachment Size
B2 2 Vln 1 layout.mscz 20.19 KB


A possible way would be to 1. Put the line break where you really want them, for every staff 2. Change the measure spacing in Style > general > measure to 1.0

In reply to by azumbrunn

I do think he means "Measure spacing". Setting it to 1.0 (welll below the default for most templates) is like reducing stretch on everything - "Measure spacing" is the default to which stretch is applied. Whereas a "Layout stretch" of 1.0 is no stretch at all - it means the default psacing is used.

If that doesn't work, please psot the score with the line breaks added as you want them so we can see what might still be going wrong. But in general, if you have a line break on every line, and have the measure spacing and/or stretch reduced, you should be good.

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