Problems with selecting multiple measures

• Mar 14, 2011 - 17:36

I'm using MuseScore on Windows 7
I have a particular transcription that I'm working on and here's what's up. I started off with a part in the piano treble clef. (measures 9-12). After relistening to the artist release of the song, I realized that what I had was the harmony and that there was an underlying melody. After I switched voices and entered in the melody to voice one I encountered this issue. I tried to copy the first three of those measures (9-11). However, when I tried to select the measures, I could not select the three measures I wanted. Instead, I could select 2 measures, and then when I went to select the third measure (measure 11) it selected both measure 11 and 12. I encountered a similar issue in measures 13-16. Again, I could select the first two measures and then, when I went to select the third, it selected all measures up to measure 24.
The problem occurs even if you begin the selection from the second measure in the passage.
Also, I can select all but the last note in the third measure of the passage if I select the notes/chords individually.
I've attached the file to see if this works with others who want to try it.
Sorry I can't be more specific and give explicit steps to recreate the problem, as I'm not really sure about the steps I used to create the issue in the first place. All help will be appreciated.

Attachment Size
Sing Me To Sleep.mscz 10.45 KB


I forgot to add that the third measure of the passage (11) can be selected of itself, granted no other measures are concurrently selected.

In reply to by rj45

I'm not finding any difficult selecting measures 9-11 in your example. I've tried it lots of different ways, and they all work. Can you be more specific about exactly how you are trying select the measures? For example, "click in an empty place in ms 9 in the piano RH staff, then shift-click an empty part of ms. 11 in the same staff". Or, "shift drag from above & to the left of ms. 9 in the top staff to below and to the right of ms. 11 in the bottom staff", or "click first note of ms. 9 in piano RH staff, then shift click last note of ms 11 in RH staff". All three of these methods worked for me, but but maybe you were trying something different?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Sorry for the late reply. I select the measures by clicking on the first measure and then ctrl+shift+right arrow to select the measures after. However, I figured that if I delete the measures I'm having issues with and re-enter them the problem also disappears. 0_o So, problem solved... for now.

In reply to by rj45

I tried selecting measures the way you suggested (not sure I knew about that method, so thanks for that!), using the file you original attached, and still had no problem. Click measure 9, ctrl-shift-right three times, and I get exactly three measures selected. I tried that in each of the staves and never got it not to work. But, I'm no stranger to phantom problems that you can reproduce over and over and then they go away, so I'm not surprised when things like this come up.

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