playback - choose staff to play from ??

• Feb 12, 2016 - 21:57

there may be vocabulary errors in this Q since my understanding of sys, staff, etc. is still changing.

Say I have


where A1 is a staff of 8 meas, std clef acoustic guitar, only once across a page (hence a line to me)
where B1 represents same notes in TAB as A1 non-linked
where B2 represents some variation in notes of B1 also non-linked.

How can I play only A1 (or B1 since notes are same), and then play only B2 so I can hear & study the changes?

I had expected voices or vocals or instruments to do this for me but cannot find any playback control to choose what gets played.


I'm not sure, if I understand your question correctly. But perhaps you want to choose one staff and play only this one. You can do this in the mixer (menu View, shortcut F10) by using the button "Solo".

In reply to by KHS

your suggestion works - thanks.

now I can create & listen to alternate fills/tags at the end of verses or chorus and choose what sounds best to me.

IMO this is not in Handbook anyplace that it ought to be. Should be indexed/tied to "voices" "instruments" "playback", but "mixer" ??? give me a break!!!

It would be MUCH easier to give good help if you attached the actual score. I just can't tell from your description exactly what the A's and B's actually represent - if this is one system of three staves or if you have three systems of one staff each, or whether your score has two staves but you are using hide empty staves to make only one staff appear on each of the three systems.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc - you're absolutely right, I don't know what my A's and B's represent either. I DO KNOW what I want it to look like on the page, and what behavior I want the notation to have.

And what is worse, even after experimenting, I have created a dozen different variations now, there is no visual way of telling what you have got. i.e., no clear way of identifying start & end of
and the "breaks" do not tell you what they are breaking and they are mis-named as I have pointed out.

How about some optional color coding?

In reply to by dpenny

I don't understand. Again, please, if you want help, post the actual score you are having problems with so we can see what you are seeing, Otherwise it is almsot impossible to guess. Most likely we could have cleared up all your confusion days ago if we had an actual score to discuss.

Anyhow, the different breaks *are* labelled in the palette, and the icons in your score should correspond to them. So it should be apparently at a glance which breaks are which. And they are not misnamed. A page break breaks the page, a line break breaks the line - which is to say, both the system and all staves within that system. We could indeed call it a "system break" and that would be equally accurate.

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