midi etc

• Feb 25, 2016 - 09:37


is it possible to convert midimusic file/mp3 or mp4 to XML files ???

if yes, what programme can I use ?





you can import midi files in MuseScore and from there export as XML.

For truning mp3 or mp4 onto sheet music you'd need to search someplace else, but it won't be easy, it is (next to) impossible to unscramble an egg...

But if you are asking because you heard that MuseScore can do a better job importing MusicXMl than it does importing MIDI, this won't help. The problem is that MIDI just doesn't have enough infomration to produce usable sheet music directly, so you won't get usable MusicXML out it either. the necessary information just isn't in a MIDI or audio file. Programs like MuseScore make their best and guesses, and that's what happens when you open a MIDI file in MuseScore, but it will almost always take some work to turn that into readable music notation - work that needsto be done by a human musician who both understands something about the original music, knows somethng about music notation, and knows how to use MuseScore to make things look more he wants them to look. There is no magic solution.

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