Plackback adding notes?

• Feb 27, 2016 - 17:19

Hello! I hope I'm not posting this in the wrong place. I just started using musecore today and while it seemed to work just fine at first i noticed something very odd happening. The playback is adding notes where there are none.

this is what the measure looks like…

the score is for harp, and when adding new notes I do hear a harp synth sound. The playback however sounds like piano. Now that isn't a problem but when the tuplet starts playing it does suddenly sound like harp. However, there are three extra invisible(!) piano notes. Sorry about the terrible sound quality but I couldn't do any better than vocaroo this quickly. It sounds like this;

that's not what I wrote! I only have one score open. I don't understand why this is happening or what I am doing wrong... I'd really appreciate if someone could tell me how to avoid this because it really doesn't make using this to write music easier.


I find this happens frequently on playback where the TTBB vocal parts are "out of sync" with the piano part. Kinda got used to it! Sorry, I know that does not help - and don't be put off! MuseScore is brilliant in most respects. I changed from Finale because I found it so much better.

I just added that phrase into my test file with piano as the instrument. I have assumed a tempo of 80. Under those conditions I get a correct playback.

I also changed that to Harp and again I get a correct playback. I also slowed the tempo to 40 and it plays back perfectly.

Shifting the treble clef into Tenor and the bass clef into Baritone it plays back perfectly using Choir Ahs.

As mentioned, it is much easier to diagnose problems if you attach the actual score, not just a picture of it. I miught guess there is a second staff in this score, perhaps marked invisible, that contains the extra notes, but that's just a guess.

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