Issues for MuseScore (deprecated)

NOTICE: This issue tracker will be removed after March 10th, 2024.

If you are experiencing difficulties with MuseScore Studio, please ask for help in the Support and bug reports forum. Thank you!

Title Status Priority Sort ascending Version Replies Last updated
Text style style changes not applied to existing chord symbols closed P0 - Critical 3.0 11 5 years
Score display does not respond to unchecking of "Begin/Continue/End text" boxes closed P0 - Critical 3.0 22 3 years
Adding staff creates bad barline spans duplicate P0 - Critical 3.0 11 5 years
[Regression] Edits after first system cause additional space to accumulate between systems closed P0 - Critical 3.x-dev 6 4 years
Time signatures omitted in voice 2 parts when using voice-to-part feature duplicate P0 - Critical 3.0 4 4 years
Edits done to a part are not reflected in playback closed P0 - Critical 3.1 4 4 years
Tenor and bass drum definitions missing notehead info closed P0 - Critical 3.0 5 5 years
cutting and pasting music deletes special barlines closed P0 - Critical 3.0 7 5 years
Symbol (originally from Symbols Palette) disappeared from score duplicate P0 - Critical 3.0 13 5 years
Positions above/below staff not scaling with staff size closed P0 - Critical 3.0 12 5 years
"Save online" doesn't work on Mac with MuseScore 3.0.3 closed P0 - Critical 3.0 8 5 years
Save selection which starts with a multimeasure rest leads to crash closed P0 - Critical 2.1 5 5 years
Measure Numbers gone wild closed P0 - Critical 3.0 7 5 years
Corruption and bad links using exchange voices on score with parts closed P0 - Critical 3.0 13 5 years
Permanent courtesy time sig and key sig before system/page break when toggling in Continuous View and/or Parts closed P0 - Critical 3.0 30 5 years
Crash on part generation in the presence of tremolos closed P0 - Critical 3.0 18 5 years
Drag and drop a breath & pause symbol from the score to a custom palette crashes the program, including the opening of the 3.5 if such a symbol was added in a previous version in custom palette closed P0 - Critical 3.5 20 3 years
Multimeasure rests extend into other measures, through other parts of the score closed P0 - Critical 3.0 19 5 years
Placement of lines set by "X" command lost on save/reload closed P0 - Critical 3.0 4 5 years
Save selection defaults to 4/4 time signature, but no display closed P0 - Critical 3.0 14 5 years
Concert Pitch does not show up on consecutive pages closed P0 - Critical 3.0 6 5 years
builtin plugins don't work closed P0 - Critical 3.0 15 5 years
"Hide empty staves" hides non-empty staves when first measure is empty closed P0 - Critical 3.0 8 5 years
Selecting a measure then applying grace notes causes crash closed P0 - Critical 3.2 6 4 years
Linked staves not linking after copy/paste into linked tablature staff closed P0 - Critical 3.0 11 5 years