Score display does not respond to unchecking of "Begin/Continue/End text" boxes

• May 9, 2019 - 20:39
Reported version
P0 - Critical
Ergonomical (UX)
S2 - Critical

Steps to reproduce issue:

1) Place a "Line" (any element from the "Lines" palette that contains text) over any section of the score.
2) Check or uncheck any of the boxes that control the text (e.g. Begin Text, Continue Text, or End Text).

The element's text does not change, and when deselecting and selecting the element, the text settings have been reset.

The workaround I've discovered is just deleting whatever's in the "Text:" box (e.g. for an 8va, deleting the "ottava").


Severity S3 - Major S4 - Minor

I've noticed that, but I've always considered it a bad design choice rather than a bug, but I can understand it being called a bug but in no wise major.

Title Enabling or disabling text for anything in the "Lines" palette does not work Lines: Score display does not respond to unchecking of Begin/Continue/End text boxes
Title Lines: Score display does not respond to unchecking of Begin/Continue/End text boxes Score display does not respond to unchecking of "Begin/Continue/End text" boxes
Severity S4 - Minor S3 - Major

This is a real bug, not a bad design choice. Displaying an option which has no practical functionality is a bug.

Severity S3 - Major S4 - Minor

It's far too easy to select the text and delete it to consider this a major bug.

Seems there are two possible fixes, one to remove the checkboxes, the other being to make sure they are honored. I suspect there is no way to do the latter without introducing new properties and a corresponding a file format change - there probably isn't a way to have the text be present & remembered and yet not displayed. I think maybe what was really intended is that these not be checkboxes but rather, collapsible panels. So you don't need to have the space taken up by the text fields if you aren't using them.

Status PR created fixed

Fixed in branch master, commit 24535fd334

_fix #288962: score display does not respond to unchecking of "Begin/Continue/End text" boxes

This will most probably be automatically fixed when the redesign is implemented, but if the redesign cannot be in 3.5, at least this particular issue can be fixed.

This fix adds three new slots, each connected to a checkbox, which removes the corresponding text and resets all relevant text styles if the checkbox is unticked._

Priority P2 - Medium P0 - Critical
Severity S4 - Minor S2 - Critical
Status closed active

Unfortunately the situation is now worse - the score display changes but the changes aren’t saved - I assume because the change property needs to be accompanied by a setting of the property flags. So now there is loss of data/work.

Status PR created fixed

Fixed in branch 3.x, commit fa1cedc37e

_fix #288962: continue text customizations not saved


When the code was added to fix the begin/continue/end text
checkboxes to actually clear the text,
the property flags were not being set,
so the cleared text was not being written to the file,
and thus the change was lost on save/restore.
This simply sets the flag to unstyled when needed,
thus allowing the change to be saved correctly._

Fix version