Issues for MuseScore (deprecated)

NOTICE: This issue tracker will be removed after March 10th, 2024.

If you are experiencing difficulties with MuseScore Studio, please ask for help in the Support and bug reports forum. Thank you!

Title Status Priority Version Replies Last updated
Request for an option to Hide Staff except Lyrics, Chord symbols, Fretboard diagrams active 3.5 8 4 days
Muse Sounds Trombone dynamics too quiet active 4.0 12 5 days
Number brackets in .ove files cannot be rendered promptly when playback active 4 1 week
Fullscreen mode with score view only active P2 - Medium 3.0 32 2 weeks
Musescore playback not working needs info 3.6 13 2 weeks
MuseScore randomly jumps to beginning of score. active 3.6 11 3 weeks
Unable to change the color of instrument names as a text style (or individually) GitHub issue 5 3 weeks
MIDI input breaks for rest of session needs info 23 3 weeks
Lyric hyphen and melisma insertion not working on Estonian keyboard on Musescore 4.0.0 rev 5485621 GitHub issue 4.0 14 4 weeks
Bad sound quality for Clarinet Bb needs info 4.x-dev 7 1 month
Changing tempo rate when song is playing leads to change of play head (MuseScore 3.6 and 4.0) active 4.x-dev 3 1 month
"Swing" Tempo not played back on new instruments added to score. active 4.x-dev 2 1 month
Playback should be able to select voices, not just instruments active 9 1 month
Count-in missing in menu/toolbar GitHub issue 4.0 13 1 month
Allow system divders to be selectable and editable using Inspector active P2 - Medium 3.0 4 1 month
Metadata (tags) in frames GitHub issue 3.0 15 1 month
Clef Between Grace Notes active 6 1 month
[Mac] Font picking combobox: list all font weights installed on the machine (ex.: light, medium, extra-bold...) active 3.0 7 1 month
TAB: vertical alignment of hooks in Emmentaler for "common" type active 5 2 months
No way of controlling gateTime at present in nightlies active 21 2 months
[MusicXML import] Floating-Point Alter tag interferes with import of accidental GitHub issue 3.4 9 2 months
Request option to copy system elements with copy/paste (ALL ELEMENTS) GitHub issue 170 2 months
Add a "second time only" option (For repeats, not Volta) GitHub issue 4.0 49 2 months
Ottava notes from music staff do not translate correctly to linked tablature GitHub issue P1 - High 38 3 months
Add square brackets to score elements to indicate editorial additions/changes GitHub issue 3.4 32 3 months