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Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Träumerei Sphyther 1 12 years ago
Forum topic Drum Triplets ThisIsMe 3 12 years ago
Forum topic Секстаккорд и sus2, sus4 Михаил 3 12 years ago
Forum topic New Staff ki4jgt 2 12 years ago
Issue Request to help with MuseScore product description Thomas 2 12 years ago
Forum topic A few beginner questions longtalker 21 12 years ago
Forum topic Note continues after playback stopped (Version 1.1, Revision 4611) jim.weisgram 14 12 years ago
Issue Opening Page Settings causes crash chen lung 10 12 years ago
Forum topic transposition of chords kensmithld 1 12 years ago
Forum topic What voices should I use for what? Svish 2 12 years ago
Forum topic printing issue-only bottom 1/2" of score showing kensmithld 2 12 years ago
Forum topic Should MuseScore output Lilypond version details? chen lung 1 12 years ago
Forum topic Open PDF's with Adobe Reader ThisIsMe 2 12 years ago
Forum topic Trumpet Solo: The Last Frontier ThisIsMe 1 12 years ago
Forum topic TRE Notturni per lo giorno johnm3 0 12 years ago
Issue Problemas al imprimir Hiernymus 1 12 years ago
Forum topic So wanna get HI? johnm3 2 12 years ago
Issue [trunk] pinch gesture for zooming in and out mokaspar 5 12 years ago
Issue [trunk] In "Single Palette Mode", the previous palette collapses only half-way mokaspar 4 12 years ago
Issue [trunk] no more recent files robert leleu 4 12 years ago
Issue [trunk] Clicking on Piano Keyboard with no score causes crash chen lung 8 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Closing drumset after closing score causes crash chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue [trunk] slow scroll events on the scoreview get lost mokaspar 3 12 years ago
Forum topic So wannaget Hi? alludes to Gould's So u wannaright a fugue and allthose Allu wanna know about ...pieces of 1970's johnm3 0 12 years ago
Forum topic Wrote an entire phrase in double time-is there a batch fix? simplejoys123 1 12 years ago