Isaac Weiss's blog

GSoC 2020 Week 3 Recap: "Group Measures" is a better "Don't Break"

4 years ago • 0 comments
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Hello again! I'm happy to report another productive week.

Update from last week

Multimeasure rests

The question of n/2 time signatures was resolved; I put it to some engraving specialists in a Facebook group, and followed their recommendations, ensuring that in such cases the one-measure "multi"-measure rest would be a standard whole rest with the numeral 1 above it, like this:

Thus, PR #6211 is finished. Now I'm just waiting for it to be

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GSoC 2020 Week 2 Recap: Old-Style Multimeasure Rests, or Fun with Special Cases

4 years ago • 2 comments
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Hello again! Hard to believe it's only been two weeks of official coding so far. I'm almost done with the first part of my project, a week ahead of schedule—and that's probably for the best, because what comes next will be far more difficult.

Update from last week

I previously had opened a second PR for the old-style multimeasure rests, because I wanted to leave the first PR in a state of completeness and merge-readiness, but

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GSoC 2020 Week 1 Recap: Early Success

4 years ago • 3 comments
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Hello again! Last week I was completely surprised by how easily everything went. I'm glad I got a head start on disentangling the code for MMRests from Rests, because with that out of the way, I had only simple and straightforward tasks.

Update from last week

I wanted to accomplish three things last week:
- Make the thickness and length of the horizontal and vertical strokes of H-bar rests variables, rather than hard-coded values
- Expose

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GSoC 2020 Day 1: It Begins.

4 years ago • 1 comment

It's June 1st, and the coding period is now underway!

Update from last week

My pull request remains open, but it is, I think, mergeable. No changes to the file format were required; I made sure to write "Rest" instead of "MMRest" in the MSCX output, and to check when reading "Rest" to create the correct Rest or MMRest object. I also discovered a bug that I fixed completely by accident, #306192: Lyrics entry with multimeasure rest selected, so

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GSoC 2020 Week 1 BC (Before Coding): Under-the-Hood Changes

4 years ago • 2 comments
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Last week, I was in a conference call with the other MuseScore GSoC students and mentors, where we mainly discussed the challenge of minimizing conflicting code changes (both among ourselves and between us and the core team). We could work in three different directions all summer, happily oblivious to each other, and find out in three months that it's impossible for all three of our projects to be merged at once. Or, we could submit our

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GSoC 2020 Week 2 BC (Before Coding): Repeats, Rests, and Counting Overview

4 years ago • 16 comments
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Hello, everyone! I’m Isaac Weiss, and I’m very happy to be able to devote my next few months to working with MuseScore through Google Summer of Code. As part of the program requirements, I’ll be blogging here weekly to document my progress. According to the official timeline, coding should begin June 1st, but during this “community bonding period” I and the other students are already studying, experimenting, and planning. This week, I would like to share

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MuseScore in 2016: The year in review

7 years ago • 4 comments


2016 was a wonderfully busy year for MuseScore. As we head into 2017 looking forward to new accomplishments and milestones, let’s take a moment to look back over the year gone by.

2.0.3 update

We spent the first part of the year preparing MuseScore version 2.0.3, the last update to MuseScore 2.0, which we released at the beginning of April 2016 with more than 200 changes. Read all about it at MuseScore 2.0.3 is released!

(There was

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Developing MuseScore 3.0: Making things easier

8 years ago • 113 comments

Part 3 of 3

MuseScore 3.0, currently under development, is on track to be smarter, faster, and easier than any MuseScore you’ve seen before.

We’ve previously discussed the first two of those areas of improvement for the next major version of the world’s most popular, powerful, and easy-to-use free and open-source scorewriter. This May, we started by introducing you to the ongoing Smart Layout project, working towards making MuseScore 3 smart enough to automatically offset overlapping elements and

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Developing MuseScore 3.0: MuseScore gets faster

8 years ago • 27 comments

Part 2 of 3

MuseScore 3.0 is currently under development, getting ready to be smarter, faster, and easier than any previous version of the world’s most popular, powerful, and easy-to-use free and open-source scorewriter.

In last month's blog post, we outlined our development goals regarding the first of those three main areas of improvement, which we’re calling Smart Layout. Now, here’s an update on one of the other two main points: how much faster the next

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MuseScore 3.0 under development: MuseScore gets smart

8 years ago • 167 comments

Part 1 of 3

For all that MuseScore 1 was a decent entry-level scorewriter, it wasn’t until 2.0 that MuseScore really started to compete with the biggest names in the industry—astounding coming from a free and open-source project that no one had ever heard of five years earlier. It took a few years longer than anticipated, but when MuseScore 2 arrived it was simply massive.

Since then, from March 2015’s release of MuseScore 2.0 through April 2016’s release of

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