
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Probenzeichen Reihenfolge Benennung Pentatonus 2 5 years ago
Forum topic Pausen verstecken [DELETED] 30124340 10 5 years ago
Forum topic N-Tole Engelsbratsche 8 5 years ago
Forum topic Akkordsymbole werden nicht mit transponiert Dea57 10 5 years ago
Forum topic Staff lines appear lighter 4 5 years ago
Forum topic How to add it ? Саша Павлов 4 5 years ago
Forum topic where beginning of repeat hill0093 3 5 years ago
Issue Cannot move item when multibar rests are shown kempus 15 5 years ago
Forum topic Wie kann man textliche dynamische Angaben im Notensatz unterbringen? Dorforganist 5 5 years ago
Forum topic Liedtext über den Noten Andreas Wermeling 2 5 years ago
Forum topic Textsymbole herke 11 5 years ago
Forum topic Double whole appearance Pentatonus 4 5 years ago
Forum topic Doppelganze Aussehen Pentatonus 2 5 years ago
Forum topic Roman Numeral Analysis nnn6nnn 12 5 years ago
Forum topic Cleaning Up Default Formatting myMelodies 4 5 years ago
Forum topic Seeing complete filenames Imaginatorium 19 5 years ago
Forum topic Pausen wählen Pentatonus 6 5 years ago
Forum topic MuseScore unter Linux Kubuntu Pentatonus 9 5 years ago
Forum topic Auswahl der Notendauern mit Zahlen antenberger 12 5 years ago
Forum topic NumPad not working after update Pentatonus 5 5 years ago
Forum topic Metronome cannot be heard in MP3 Export AHKlose 3 6 years ago
Forum topic Eine Notenzeile mit 2 Stimmen teilen in 2 Notenzeilen HaJoAppenheim 1 6 years ago
Forum topic I must be dumb Solaray 3 6 years ago
Forum topic Versionsunterschiede Pentatonus 3 6 years ago
Forum topic How to use plugins Pentatonus 18 6 years ago