
Issue Pasting notehead onto rest changes rest duration
Issue [GP6] Crash in scores containing ties into chords
Issue Copying note head to rest does not retain note spelling
Issue Pasting notehead onto rest changes rest duration
Issue Crash when adding tie after entering notes in drums
Issue Crash when adding tie after entering notes in drums
Issue [GP] Slurs are not imported
Issue [GP] Slurs are not imported
Issue BPM field in Play Panel is not immediately synced
Issue BPM field in Play Panel is not immediately synced
Issue Crash when adding fermata on barline in part for staff >1 when score has spanning barlines
Issue Slurs not obeying voices of Selection filter
Issue Slurs not obeying voices of Selection filter
Issue Timeline only displays one meta value even if a measure has more than one
Issue Display cells from hidden instruments in the timeline, using cyan shading, and maybe allow toggle hiding directly from timeline
Issue On copy/paste measure(s) with slur(s) in score, the slur(s) get(s) lost in part
Issue On copy/paste measure(s) with slur(s) in score, the slur(s) get(s) lost in part
Issue Untranslated strings, from Qt
Issue Untranslated strings, from Qt
Issue MuseScore crashes on import of MusicXML file exported from Sibelius
Issue MuseScore crashes on import of MusicXML file exported from Sibelius
Issue Add a SVG file by double-click, then clear it in the palette, leads to crash
Issue Add Kabyle language
Issue Joining scores via Album feature loses spacers in subsequent scores
Issue lupdate problems
Issue Untranslated strings, from Qt
Issue Add Kabyle language
Issue Untranslated strings, from Qt
Issue Shortcut Editor press Clear should remove message about previous conflict.
Issue Shortcut Editor press Clear should remove message about previous conflict.