
Issue Improved string for "Makeup gain" knob
Issue Ottava style in General Style dialog not consistent
Issue Ottava in custom palette loses customized text in Line Properties when double-clicked onto score
Issue Reset value button in Inspector - tool tip
Issue image capture: no file saved when selected rectangle is 'negative'
Issue [GP6] better mapping between GP instruments and MuseScore instruments
Issue [GP6] better mapping between GP instruments and MuseScore instruments
Issue Slur on grace after wrong
Issue Slur on grace after wrong
Issue Rehearsal mark alignment changes to center after reload if added via palette double click
Issue Rehearsal mark alignment changes to center after reload if added via palette double click
Issue [Timeline] More visible cell divididers
Issue Disable autocomplete of zoom percentage field
Issue Disable autocomplete of zoom percentage field
Issue Only normal barline at the end of a line if the following line begins with a start repeat barline.
Issue span presets buttons in barline inspector change only one element of multiple selection
Issue reset value button for span preset in barline inspector does not work
Issue spinner values in barline inspector are sometimes not updated on span preset change
Issue End repeat barline at the end of a line if the following line begins with a start repeat barline.
Issue System text crashes the programm when opening a file
Issue Screen capture in PDF format doesn't work correctly on Mac
Issue Blank PDF, PNG and SVG when exporting screen capture
Issue A tied grace note in note input mode when the next(s) measure(s) are also full causes a crash
Issue A tied grace note in note input mode when the next(s) measure(s) are also full causes a crash
Issue [MusicXML export] print new-system missing in multi-measure rests
Issue [MusicXML export] print new-system missing in multi-measure rests
Issue Crash when loading a capella score
Issue Crash when loading a capella score
Issue Screen capture in PDF format doesn't work correctly on Mac
Issue grace notes in percussion staves appear way too high up