A tied grace note in note input mode when the next(s) measure(s) are also full causes a crash

• Dec 20, 2017 - 20:24
Reported version
S2 - Critical

MS 2.1 / Win 7/10


  1. Select grace note.
  2. Enter note-input mode.
  3. Press [Shift] + [+].

Result: Crash. See attached file.

Attachment Size
grace_note_ties_crash.mscz 9.7 KB


I can confirm the crash (or at least, a hang, that may eventually crash also) using this score. The problem only occurs in note input mode, not if you add the tie in normal mode. It seems the loop over nnote in Score::cmdAddTie() is not noticing its job should have been done after the first iteration, perhaps due to confusion over the fact that the grace note and base not have the same segment.

Title Attempt to tie grace notes (acciaccaturas) causes a crash A tied grace note in note input mode when the next(s) measure(s) are also full causes a crash
Severity S4 - Minor S2 - Critical

2.1 version, and currents 2.2 dev. and 3.0 dev. / Windows7/10

Steps from scratch:

1) Create a score, 4/4, 2 measures
2) Enter four quarter notes in first measure, and a whole note in second measure
3) Add an accacciatura, or a grace note, on the first note (necessary condition)
4) Select this accacciatura/grace note
5) Press "N"
6) Press "+" for tie (or click on icon in toolbar)

Result: hang -> crash
hang crash.jpg

The test file: grace tie.mscz

  • By appending a measure, or if there is a rest somewhere in the score: no crash: you get eg:
    first case.jpg

  • Same behaviour for accacciatura, grace note, and grace note after (in this last case, you must select the first note always, ie the first quarter note)