Timeline only displays one meta value even if a measure has more than one

• Jul 8, 2017 - 02:14
Reported version
S4 - Minor

If have two key signatures in the same measure at different ticks, like Two-key-sigs-same-measure.mscx:

Screenshot at 2017-07-07 21-14-23.png

Then the timeline currently only displays the last key signature:

Screenshot at 2017-07-07 21-10-53.png

However, I believe they should both be displayed somehow. Probably stagger, with the last one on top. Also keep in mind there may be more than 2 key sigs.

(This is for JoshuaBonn1 to fix...he is going to implement staggering anyway for other reasons)


Title Timeline only displays one key sig or tempo or rehearsal mark even if a measure has more than one Timeline only displays one meta value even if a measure has more than one

This is a known bug of mine and will be fixed in my next PR. This exists for all meta values because it places any meta value within the measure at the beginning of the measure box.

Status (old) active fixed
Status active fixed

Fixed in branch master, commit 2d5a6b022b

Add functionality to timeline
Check out my blog posts for more info:
Blog 7: https://musescore.org/en/user/1190941/blog/2017/07/16/gsoc-2017-timelin…
Blog 8: https://musescore.org/en/user/1190941/blog/2017/07/22/gsoc-2017-timelin…
Blog 9: https://musescore.org/en/user/1190941/blog/2017/07/30/gsoc-2017-timelin…
Blog 10: https://musescore.org/en/user/1190941/blog/2017/08/05/gsoc-2017-timelin…
Specific commit information can be found: https://github.com/JoshuaBonn1/MuseScore/tree/7-timeline-class
fix #230821 : Multiple meta values in a measure only displays one
fix #234081 : Display hidden instruments and allow for hiding of instruments from timeline