
Issue Unable to select an SFZ playback for a drum instrument
Issue Zerberus features & fixes needed for upcoming percussion library
Issue Zerberus features & fixes needed for upcoming percussion library
Issue Untick 'Show courtesy' for clefs does not work.
Issue Add buzz roll tremolo stem
Issue Crash when clearing palette cell with filter active
Issue Remove tuplets after inserting measures causes corruption/crash
Issue Delete a measure containing some tuplets + rest leads to corruption after inserting a measure
Issue Remove tuplets after inserting measures causes corruption/crash
Issue Key signature not displaying correctly on clef change at the start of a score
Issue Add buzz roll tremolo stem
Issue Add ability to have a different MIDI pitch for drum instrument based on articulation or tremolo
Issue Backward compatibility of previous versions files (versions 1.2 and 1.3)
Issue Implement master <-> 2.3 .drm files compatibility.
Issue Add ability to have a different MIDI pitch for drum instrument based on articulation or tremolo
Issue Tuplet bracket is way too thick
Issue Incorrect stem position for wide noteheads
Issue Add a more flexible way to choose noteheads in drumset for percussion instrument
Issue Newer file version for some vtest score files
Issue Notes for transposing instrument are shown in concert pitch on piano control
Issue Notes for transposing instrument are shown in concert pitch on piano control
Issue Opening of some MusicXML files caused MuseScore to crash
Issue Opening of some MusicXML files caused MuseScore to crash
Issue Add a more flexible way to choose noteheads in drumset for percussion instrument
Issue Incorrect position of fermata above/below a note
Issue No message on second keyboard shortcut already in use
Issue No message on second keyboard shortcut already in use
Issue Canvas improperly positioned when setting zoom level
Issue Canvas improperly positioned when setting zoom level
Issue Saved preferences override command line options