
Issue Using tremolo variant in instruments.xml crashes MuseScore on playback
Issue Using tremolo variant in instruments.xml crashes MuseScore on playback
Issue Incorrect empty rectangle for rehearsal marks
Issue zerberus: long release samples do not play in their entirety
Issue zerberus: frequent clicking noises when playing samples
Issue zerberus: long release samples do not play in their entirety
Issue zerberus: frequent clicking noises when playing samples
Issue Line break is not removed from text by backspace
Issue Undo eats symbols during text editing
Issue Ctrl+Arrow is not processed during text editing
Issue crash on adding staff or system text
Issue No text editing panel at the bottom when editing staff/system text
Issue "Follow text" is not applied to tempo text
Issue "Follow text" is not applied to tempo text
Issue "Reset text to style" crashes MuseScore
Issue There are no System Text properties
Issue Downstem mirrored notes lose accidental
Issue Downstem mirrored notes lose accidental
Issue Inability to create new text lines in frames
Issue Incorrect symbol in text on undoing nothing
Issue Unable to select an SFZ playback for a drum instrument
Issue Unable to select an SFZ playback for a drum instrument
Issue Zerberus features & fixes needed for upcoming percussion library
Issue Zerberus features & fixes needed for upcoming percussion library
Issue Untick 'Show courtesy' for clefs does not work.
Issue Add buzz roll tremolo stem
Issue Crash when clearing palette cell with filter active
Issue Remove tuplets after inserting measures causes corruption/crash
Issue Delete a measure containing some tuplets + rest leads to corruption after inserting a measure
Issue Remove tuplets after inserting measures causes corruption/crash