
Issue Lyrics text overlaps for non-first verse lines
Issue Add auto updater to MuseScore development versions
Issue "Regroup Rhythms" crashes the program if measures contain Measure repeat symbols
Issue "Regroup Rhythms" crashes the program if measures contain Measure repeat symbols
Issue Zerberus: add support for "global_volume=" opcode
Issue Zerberus (SFZ) instruments are too quiet compared to SoundFont instruments
Issue Same note in different voices and lengths plays only the length of the shortest note
Issue Unable to save synth settings in two scores in the same session
Issue Unable to save synth settings in two scores in the same session
Issue Instruments short name jumps
Issue Inconsistent lyrics jump on deleting chord symbol
Issue Make Fluid and Zerberus options the same
Issue Undoing timewise delete does not restore slur position if the slur spans for a whole number of measures
Issue Audio file will not upload
Issue Selecting notes in triplet quavers embedded in triplet crotchet
Issue Crash when resetting tie or slur
Issue Can't write the letters "L" and "l" in title, text and other things.
Issue Letters "z", and "Z" cannot be entered in text
Issue Same note in different voices and lengths plays only the length of the shortest note
Issue Unable to add fingering to non-pitched staves
Issue Crash on timewise delete of tuplet
Issue Timewise Delete doesn't behave the same on last chordrest of a measure
Issue Wrong bank number for Zerberus channels
Issue Provide an easy way to install soundfont, templates and instruments.xml
Issue Crash on exporting audio (MacOS only)
Issue QDir::separator() vs. "/"
Issue Crash when opening MDL template
Issue Crash when opening score with more than 64 channels using Zerberus
Issue QDir::separator() vs. "/"
Issue mtest doesn't work on Windows (master)