Ctrl+Arrow is not processed during text editing
1. Create any text with few words separated by whitespace
2. In editing mode try to go through the words using Ctrl+Arrow (Alt+Arrow on MacOS) to achieve iterating by words.
Result: nothing happens if using these modificators and buttons.
Note, Home and End work on Windows.

Attachment | Size |
several_lines_text.mscz | 6.74 KB |
I'm not sure about MacOS. When I tested it last time, modifiers like Cmd and Alt were processed incorrectly according to MacOS UX, e.g. Cmd+Arrow worked as Ctrl+Arrow, but MacOS uses Alt+Arrow for iterating over words and Cmd+Arrow for behavior like Home/End buttons on Windows.
Relates to #272131: [EPIC] Text editing issues
Fixed in branch master, commit 1be45c2767
fix #272146 Ctrl+Arrow is not processed during text editing
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.