
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Signe de répétition de 2 mesures Matt Matt_ 3 3 years ago
Forum topic Lignes de reprises et sauts de ligne. YLOO 4 3 years ago
Issue Misalignment of shared note heads in a multivoices context and a whole note involved cadiz1 6 3 years ago
Forum topic Countin ADD17 4 3 years ago
Forum topic Travail du rythme larty727 1 3 years ago
Forum topic saisie des notes lenthericjean 1 3 years ago
Forum topic Le logiciel Musescore 3.5.2 ne joue plus les reprises ... Jean-Paul Jouanne 8 3 years ago
Issue Changes to Measure properties are not propagated between score and existing linked parts after save/reload Jojo-Schmitz 32 3 years ago
Forum topic Ajouter les pulsations à une partition skunt 11 3 years ago
Issue Corruption in the parts if linked staff is added afterwards and leading to crash scorster 4 3 years ago
Forum topic Guitar chord diagrams only at the top of the sheet Jose Relland 8 3 years ago
Forum topic Retrait d'une portée tlauzon 2 3 years ago
Forum topic Crash on changing duration & Trouble with Copy-Paste scorster 5 3 years ago
Forum topic Is there a way to copy-paste Barre objects? scorster 2 3 years ago
Forum topic mise en page pour travail taillouf 1 3 years ago
Forum topic Problème de son Thibaud Fuster 9 3 years ago
Forum topic Playback plays from wrong measure longyuxi 4 3 years ago
Forum topic Mapper un raccourci clavier à une touche de contrôleur MIDI ArtL 7 3 years ago
Issue Toggle between clefs of unpitched percussion and pitched percussion leads to a crash cadiz1 12 3 years ago
Forum topic Comment sur une même portée superposer des notes de longueur différente? Marie Cecile Wetzel 2 3 years ago
Forum topic Move part names... [DELETED] 32872726 26 3 years ago
Forum topic Raccourci "ctrl ->F" (aller à... N° de mesure) fredipi 16 3 years ago
Forum topic Sujet déja référencé dans le forum cosmickdebris 4 3 years ago
Forum topic Lecture des symboles d'accord Milienoe 1 3 years ago
Forum topic Liaison vers une seconde alternative de reprise FS48 13 3 years ago