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Sat, 22 April 2017
 (diff) (hist) 20:54 Handbook Edit moderevised geetar
Additional clarification.
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 (diff) (hist) 19:36 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.1revised [DELETED] 5
 (diff) (hist) 19:34 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.1revised [DELETED] 5
 (diff) (hist) 19:33 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.1revised [DELETED] 5
 (diff) (hist) 19:30 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.1revised [DELETED] 5
 (diff) (hist) 18:10 Handbook Linesrevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 18:06 Handbook Linesrevised geetar
Correction and clarification.
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 (diff) (hist) 17:57 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.1revised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 17:37 Handbook Linesrevised geetar
Adjust vertical position of lines.
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 (diff) (hist) 17:15 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.1revised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 17:11 Handbook Edit moderevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 17:10 Handbook Edit moderevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 17:08 Handbook Edit moderevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 16:19 Book MuseScore 2.1 hit listrevised Marc Sabatella
 (diff) (hist) 13:52 Handbook Bendsrevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 12:56 Handbook Bendsrevised SlowRabbit
See [node:14936,title="Custom palette"]. is an archived page should be [node:36121,fragment="custom-workspace",title="Custom Workspace"]
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 (diff) (hist) 12:12 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.1revised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 12:09 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.1revised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 11:54 Handbook Edit moderevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 11:51 Handbook Edit moderevised geetar
Clarified the "Lines" section. Added subheader.
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 (diff) (hist) 11:09 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.1revised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 10:40 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.1revised Jojo-Schmitz
Fri, 21 April 2017
 (diff) (hist) 19:43 Handbook Toolsrevised SlowRabbit
"(2) If a given chord has fewer notes than the number of destination staves, then notes will be duplicated..." Have a check --> Not "notes" but only the "lowest note"will be duplicated.
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 (diff) (hist) 14:20 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.1revised Isaac Weiss
 (diff) (hist) 11:35 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.1revised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 11:12 Handbook Key signaturesrevised SlowRabbit
 (diff) (hist) 09:13 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.1revised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 00:48 Book MuseScore 2.1 hit listrevised Isaac Weiss
Thu, 20 April 2017
 (diff) (hist) 23:55 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.1revised Isaac Weiss
 (diff) (hist) 22:35 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.1revised mike320
 (diff) (hist) 22:29 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.1revised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 22:06 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.1revised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 21:57 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.1revised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 21:44 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.1revised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 18:21 Handbook Breaks and spacersrevised SlowRabbit
 (diff) (hist) 17:48 Handbook Breaks and spacersrevised mike320
 (diff) (hist) 17:40 Handbook Breaks and spacersrevised SlowRabbit
<--signature at the end of the previous __section__. See example below:--> don't you think ?
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 (diff) (hist) 16:17 Handbook Breaks and spacersrevised SlowRabbit
 (diff) (hist) 13:44 Handbook Create a new scoremoved mike320
Seems someone accidentally changed it.
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 (diff) (hist) 13:27 Handbook Create a new scoremoved merwin961
 (diff) (hist) 11:02 Handbook Breaks and spacersrevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 10:41 Handbook Measure operationsrevised geetar
Prioritise v2.1 feature.
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 (diff) (hist) 10:29 Handbook Voltasrevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 09:12 Handbook Rehearsal marksrevised SlowRabbit
 (diff) (hist) 08:36 Handbook Rehearsal marksrevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 01:20 Handbook Breaks and spacersrevised mike320
 (diff) (hist) 00:58 Handbook Page settingsrevised mike320
 (diff) (hist) 00:53 Handbook Page settingsrevised mike320
Wed, 19 April 2017
 (diff) (hist) 23:43 Handbook Rehearsal marksrevised mike320
 (diff) (hist) 22:42 Handbook Voltasrevised mike320