Dom, 26 May 2019 |
(diff) (hist) |
23:56 |
Handbook 3 |
Edit moderevised |
[DELETED] 26799858 |
(diff) (hist) |
23:56 |
Handbook 3 |
Measure operationsrevised |
[DELETED] 26799858 |
(diff) (hist) |
23:52 |
Handbook 3 |
Edit moderevised |
[DELETED] 26799858 |
(diff) (hist) |
11:00 |
Handbook 3 |
Measure operationsrevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
07:06 |
Handbook 3 |
Barlinesrevised |
JLWaltener |
Vie, 24 May 2019 |
(diff) (hist) |
15:25 |
Handbook 3 |
Edit moderevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
15:14 |
Handbook 3 |
Palettesrevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
15:13 |
Handbook 3 |
Workspacesrevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
15:12 |
Handbook 3 |
Copy and pasterevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
14:56 |
Handbook 3 |
Note inputrevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
14:54 |
Handbook 3 |
Barlinesrevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
14:46 |
Handbook 3 |
Clefsrevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
14:43 |
Handbook 3 |
Time signaturesrevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
14:42 |
Handbook 3 |
Accidentalsrevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
14:42 |
Handbook 3 |
Arpeggios and glissandirevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
14:41 |
Handbook 3 |
Beamsrevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
14:40 |
Handbook 3 |
Bracketsrevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
14:39 |
Handbook 3 |
Breaths and pausesrevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
11:30 |
Handbook 3 |
Grace notesrevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
11:07 |
Handbook 3 |
Hairpinsrevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
11:06 |
Handbook 3 |
Measure restsrevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
11:06 |
Handbook 3 |
Octave linesrevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
11:05 |
Handbook 3 |
Tremolorevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
11:05 |
Handbook 3 |
Repeats and jumpsrevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
10:45 |
Handbook 3 |
Temporevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
10:43 |
Handbook 3 |
Staff Text and System Textmoved |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
10:43 |
Handbook 3 |
Chord notation systemsmoved |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
10:42 |
Handbook 3 |
Learning MuseScorerevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
10:33 |
Handbook 3 |
Rehearsal marksrevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
10:32 |
Handbook 3 |
Layout and formattingrevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
10:32 |
Handbook 3 |
Breaks and spacersrevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
(diff) (hist) |
10:31 |
Handbook 3 |
Framesrevised |
Jojo-Schmitz |
Mié, 22 May 2019 |
(diff) (hist) |
16:27 |
Page |
MuseScore 3 Handbookmoved |
[DELETED] 26799858 |
(diff) (hist) |
16:23 |
Handbook 3 |
Accessibilityrevised |
[DELETED] 26799858 |
Mar, 21 May 2019 |
(diff) (hist) |
15:37 |
Handbook 3 |
Accessibilityrevised |
[DELETED] 26799858 |
Lun, 20 May 2019 |
(diff) (hist) |
22:14 |
Handbook 3 |
Accessibilityrevised |
[DELETED] 26799858 |
(diff) (hist) |
22:13 |
Handbook 3 |
Accessibilityrevised |
[DELETED] 26799858 |
(diff) (hist) |
02:07 |
Handbook 3 |
Barlinesrevised |
Hideo_T |
Mié, 15 May 2019 |
(diff) (hist) |
17:10 |
Handbook 3 |
Text styles and propertiesrevised |
SlowRabbit |
(diff) (hist) |
16:31 |
Handbook 3 |
Accessibilityrevised |
[DELETED] 26799858 |
(diff) (hist) |
16:25 |
Handbook 3 |
Layout and formattingrevised |
[DELETED] 26799858 |
Mar, 14 May 2019 |
(diff) (hist) |
19:32 |
Handbook 3 |
Layout and formattingrevised |
SlowRabbit |
Mié, 8 May 2019 |
(diff) (hist) |
21:52 |
Handbook 3 |
Measure and horizontal spacingmoved |
luisejuan |
Mar, 7 May 2019 |
(diff) (hist) |
10:34 |
Handbook 3 |
Temporevised |
JLWaltener |
Lun, 6 May 2019 |
(diff) (hist) |
03:13 |
How to |
Deletemoved |
mike320 |
(diff) (hist) |
02:30 |
How to |
Deletenuevo |
Felipe Sierra |
Dom, 5 May 2019 |
(diff) (hist) |
19:42 |
Handbook 3 |
Measure and horizontal spacingmoved |
luisejuan |
(diff) (hist) |
19:09 |
Handbook 3 |
Measure and horizontal spacingmoved |
luisejuan |
Sáb, 4 May 2019 |
(diff) (hist) |
18:42 |
Handbook 3 |
Layout and formattingrevised |
luisejuan |
(diff) (hist) |
18:42 |
Handbook 3 |
Layout and formattingrevised |
luisejuan |