Synth window: Save to/Load from Score and Set as/Load Default does not save metronome volume.

• Aug 10, 2015 - 19:11
Reported version
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor

Volume and metronome settings are back to default on relaunch, regardless if 'Save to Score' or 'Set as Default' has been pressed in the Synthesizer window in an earlier session.
running 2.0.2 on archlinux/manjaro


Ok. This behaviour is a little weird, but yes, it works for the volume. But NOT for the metronome, which is always too loud and I have to change it every single time I launch the program.

Title Synth window: Save to/Load from Score and Set as/Load Default not working Synth window: Save to/Load from Score and Set as/Load Default does not save metronome volume.


Any movement on this?
For me it is really annoying that every time I want to turn on the metronome I have to open the synth window because the default volume of the metronome is so loud.
Could you at least change the default to something a little softer, maybe? What's even less helpful for me is that there is no keyboard shortcut to open the synth window. Would it be possible to add one at least, maybe?
If you're not going to change this in the near future, could you kindly point me to the place in the source where the default metronome value is defined? Like that I could patch this for my own use since I'm using the git version meanwhile anyway ;)

Also "move slightly the Volume slider" is a bug in my eyes. If the volume of a score or the new default would be saved and restored properly it should not at all be necessary to go back to the synth window and move the slider for the saved setting to have an effect! ;)

edit: I just see this has apparently been fixed meanwhile. But not the metronome volume still.