Issues for MuseScore (deprecated)

NOTICE: This issue tracker will be removed after March 10th, 2024.

If you are experiencing difficulties with MuseScore Studio, please ask for help in the Support and bug reports forum. Thank you!

Title Status Priority Version Replies Last updated
Lyrics hyphen too high after rest (with a lyrics sylable) active 3.6 4 1年
Provide "bookmark" facility for ease of navigation through long scores. active 16 1年
Beaming notes over barlines and line breaks active P1 - High 71 1年
Note Performer compatibility? active 4.x-dev 1 1年
Alt+a brings out "Add" menu from the top bar, instead of typing Polish letter "ą" active 4.x-dev 17 1年
MusicXML import of ornaments (trills, mordents, turns) with accidental-mark doesn't work active 3.6 5 1年
(Known issue on GitHub) Fermata playback broken in 4.x nightly build active 4.x-dev 10 1年
fermata (extension) didn't extend when playing needs info 3.6 1 1年
Inconsistent midi velocity export for diminuendo notation active 4.x-dev 0 1年
Store Custom Palettes in a user-configurable, non-system location active 3.6 2 1年
Sustained note changing dynamic on playback, piano instrument. Musescore 4.0 active 4.x-dev 0 1年
Special noteheads are ear-piercingly loud active 4.x-dev 3 1年
Pizz. chords have arco playback when arpeggiated active 4.x-dev 4 1年
Musescore 4 menus are slower than Musescore 3 active 4.x-dev 1 1年
Bass Clarinet staccato sounds the same regardles of note duration needs info 4.x-dev 3 1年
Note don't stop playing when two arrow keys are pressed at the same time active 4.x-dev 2 1年
Trying to Edit a Text Frame causes UI lockup needs info 4.x-dev 2 1年
MuseScore 4.0 bugs needs info 4.x-dev 5 1年
system misinterprets the time I open the projects active 4.x-dev 2 1年
Playback bug related to repeats needs info 4.x-dev 1 1年
Add Palettes button not working active 4.x-dev 1 1年
"Accent above" on violin, sounds more like a staccato and the volume of the note drops a little {[!NOTE! - I'm using Muse Sound "Violin 1 solo" version of the violin sound, the same issue is not applicable to the "MS basic" or "violin 2 solo" sound]} active 4.x-dev 3 1年
I suggest adding a link to "how to write a good bug report" on the issue tracker main page active 0 1年
Project crashes when copy+pasting, and the autosave files aren't compatible active 4.x-dev 1 1年
Copy/paste bug active 4.x-dev 1 1年