Issues for MuseScore (deprecated)

NOTICE: This issue tracker will be removed after March 10th, 2024.

If you are experiencing difficulties with MuseScore Studio, please ask for help in the Support and bug reports forum. Thank you!

Title Status Priority 升序排列 Version Replies Last updated
Playback tempo becomes incorrect if editing score in continuous view closed P0 - Critical 3.1 12 4年
Crash on enabling multimeasure rests in score with invisible staff containing tie on two systems closed P0 - Critical 3.0 22 5年
Double Bar lines do not extend between instruments closed P0 - Critical 3.0 14 5年
Crash on resetting properties of bracket in the imported 1.X score closed P0 - Critical 3.0 8 5年
Hang on pressing space after entering fingering on only note of score closed P0 - Critical 3.0 5 5年
Special characters window closes when clicked closed P0 - Critical 3.0 6 5年
Multimeasure rests extend when editing an element later in the score closed P0 - Critical 3.0 8 5年
Settings of fretboard diagrams are lost in palettes (style issue) closed P0 - Critical 3.0 11 5年
Pedal line alignment is global to all staves, not local to one staff closed P0 - Critical 3.0 8 4年
Hairpin: vertical offset has changed dramatically, horizontal offset less so closed P0 - Critical 3.0 3 5年
ambitus doesn't work closed P0 - Critical 3.0 4 5年
MuseScore 3 doesn't work with azerty keyboard closed P0 - Critical 3.0 27 5年
Crash on undoing of cutting a multiline text closed P0 - Critical 3.0 4 5年
[MusicXML import] Misplaced ties when importing .xml files closed P0 - Critical 3.0 10 5年
Editing Scores macOS -musescore-39501b5 Losing keychange after placement even after saved. needs info P0 - Critical 3.0 1 5年
Ottava 8vb displays as 8va on save/reload closed P0 - Critical 3.0 4 5年
Applying changed preferences restores default UI closed P0 - Critical 3.0 6 5年
Crash on adding notes in voice 2 using MIDI or piano keyboard input closed P0 - Critical 3.0 12 5年
Regression - Translation failure closed P0 - Critical 3.0 9 5年
Playback continues to repeat after end repeat barline has been deleted closed P0 - Critical 3.x-dev 15 4年
Ctrl+arrow no longer works to move text or other elements closed P0 - Critical 3.3 3 4年
Copy paste issue with lyrics and TAB closed P0 - Critical 2.3 10 5年
Leading Space is resetted for bar lines, when reopening a file that has been saved with MuseScore 3 duplicate P0 - Critical 3.0 3 5年
Select/More for rests is broken closed P0 - Critical 3.0 18 5年
Too much space between lyrics closed P0 - Critical 3.0 12 5年