Feature Request for this Forum - not the software

• Oct 6, 2014 - 13:14

I am experiencing a high level of frustration now because I feel that it's practically impossible to have a voice here. Though cautioned not to take it personally, I have been snubbed even as new members appear with laundry lists of inarticulate and unreasonable requests and are coddled. And even if a snub wasn't intended, it is absolutely the practical effect of being frozen out of a conversation.

This thread is a perfect example of what I'm referring to: http://musescore.org/en/node/35236

I would like to request a way to express ideas directly to developers individually. At present, there is no capacity for private messaging or tagging; I believe there needs to be a better and easier way to communicate.


Stevebob, everyone "has a voice" in submitting bugs and comments. However, you are demanding attention and that is childish. Postings and bug reports regularly go uncommented, but everyone sees and reads them.

As it is, I agree that the spinboxes up/down vs the direction that objects move is illogical against the normal Cartisian way. However, I won't go rampaging through the forums, railing that I am being ignored after posting something about it.

I don't know what happened between yourself and Lasconic (outside of the troll comment), but things won't improve unless you change your tone and attitude.

In reply to by schepers

It is a fact that I was ignored - even if it was not deliberate - and you pretend the problem is my tone and attitude even as you call me 'childish' and accuse me of 'rampaging through the forums'. I believe the evidence speaks for itself, and, as you say, everyone can see and read everything. I give as good as I get, and some things have been said to me - including now by you - that are beyond the pale. Were there not a pattern here, I would have nothing to 'rail' about.

Here's another feature request to mull over: a way to ignore offensive individuals. Nobody is here to be insulted, and it might be best if you refrain ever from addressing me in the future. I have plenty to contribute to this community, and you have now gone out of your way to antagonize me in a high-handed and very personal way. Again - nobody is here for that.

I am not understanding what you mean about being ignored on that thread. Your comment was directed at the OP not at developers as far as I can see. It didn't contain any questions that needed answering as far as I could tell. What type of response were you expecting?

I assure you no one is going out of their way to ignore you. We are just ordinary people trying to do our best to provide free software and free support. Very occasionally, a question might go unanswered because it got lost in the shuffle or whatever. If a timely answer is needed, feel free to bump. But I don't really see how that applies to the comment you are referring to.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc, thank you for a thoughtful and respectful response - unlike that one by schepers that was by nature name-calling and deliberately inflammatory.

As to the type of response I expected - well, an acknowledgment that what I wrote made sense and that confirmed that the original poster's request was almost surely untenable given the behavior of spin-buttons and the Y-axis structure in MuseScore. I know that I have seen many past examples of a query being essentially 'debunked', with an explanation of why a perceived bug was not a bug at all but just reflected a misapprehension on the part of a poster.

Since Beta 1 was officially revealed, I admit I've had a renewed near-obsession with MuseScore. I really think I need to take a step back now and retreat from visibility, as the potential for misunderstandings and bizarre interpersonal clashes here is just too risky. I do wish it had been possible to channel my enthusiasm for MuseScore in a way that was more productive, but my own expectations about goodwill, empathy, good faith, and respectful and inclusive discourse are obviously out of sync with reality, too.

Given that I started this thread with an idea in mind for new Forum features. I should mention that that the inability to quote previous comments and the unavailability of emoticons might be another commentworthy weakness in this forum's structure. It's taken for granted by many people that smileys are critical to avoiding misinterpretation and misperception in the medium of written language, of course, and that proposition may be truer than I realized.

As a personal aside, Marc, I remember you well from rec.music.makers.piano. You were so consistently helpful and reasonable, even as Usenet was taking a nosedive from which it would never recover. You've found a commendable niche here, and you are doing great work!

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