Mac compilation failure

• Jan 28, 2015 - 16:23

Since today Mac compilation does not succeed (due to the change to automoc).
Attached the relevant part of the compilation log file with (some of?) the clang errors preventing compilation.
Hope it helps in finding the solution.


Attachment Size
compile_log.txt 3.58 KB


Could it be just a couple of missing "Ms::" identifiers before class names?

EDIT: Or maybe a missing namespace Ms {...} in freeverb.h ?

Indeed, by using a namespace Ms inside freeverb.h solved that problem, but there is (at least) another problem: now there seems to be a clash between mixer.h and partedit.h (see attached log with the relevant lines).

By searching through the code, I think that both freeverb and partedit are no more used by other files: are they maybe leftover from previous implementations which should be deleted?
[And this may explain why the crash is not happening under Linux and Windows: there non-used files are probably not processed]

Attachment Size
compile_log2.txt 14.64 KB

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