Title Box

• Jul 28, 2015 - 23:02

Is there a way to make the title box a solid line instead of a dotted line? I like the look of the old solid line.




The box is for screen display pruposes; it does not appear at all when printing, exporting to PDF, etc. If you want an actual box to appear, you can add one to the title itself, by right clicking it, Text Properties, and playing with the Frame options.

In reply to by briankwood

??? Can you post a score and steps to reproduce this problem? A box should never print around the title frame.

EDIT - ah, I see, screenshot. When you make a screenshot using the "Image capture" mode within MuseScore, note there is both a "Print Mode" and "Screenshot Mode". Use the "Print Mode" to get it to look like it would if printed.

Yes, thanks. One thing I noticed though is I could get a better resolution from my printer if I did a screen shot rather than save in PDF, even if I increased the resolution in my preferences. I found I can get rid of the title box by closing frames then I display my score at 150% to 200% and take a screen shot from my computer, not Musescore program. I transcribe American fiddle tunes and they're usually only about 16 bars so I can make them big and legible on one page.

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