MuseScore 2.0.2 now available for Ubuntu 14.04 and related systems

• Sep 5, 2015 - 17:21

The latest stable release of MuseScore is now available from the PPA on Launchpad:

It works on Ubuntu 14.04, 15.04 and related Debian distributions, including Mint. Once you have upgraded, you will be able to enjoy all the new features of 2.0.2, such as playback of trills and many other ornaments, and the new icons for MSCZ, MSCX and MusicXML files (only on Linux!).

Run the following code from the teminal to install or upgrade MuseScore to version 2.0.2:

# To add the PPA if you don't already have it:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mscore-ubuntu/mscore-stable

# To install or upgrade MuseScore:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install musescore

Note: once you add the PPA upgrades will usually happen automatically, but the upgrade to 2.0.2 will not be automatic on some systems because it's dependencies (the other packages it relies on) have changed since 2.0.0. This is normal behaviour and a stability feature of the apt-get upgrade mechanism.

Future releases of MuseScore on Linux

This upgrade was a long time coming and arrives much later than the equivalent releases on Mac and Windows operating systems. This is because of the many technical and legal requirements involved in packaging software for Linux, and the fact that many of these requirements are different on each Linux distribution. The good news is that future releases should be out much sooner! Over the past few months I made a number of changes to the code that make the process of packaging for Linux much easier, and implemented a new automated nightly build so that we can make sure new features will work on Ubuntu as soon as they are added to the code.

I hope the package maintainers for other Linux distributions will take advantage of these changes, suggest more changes where necessary, and work together to implement future changes in the upstream code where everyone can benefit.



Now I have the last 2.0.2 version and it works so fine on my Lubuntu 15.04!!!!!!

God bless all the development team!!!!!!!


I just ran the Ubuntu Software Updater, and all went well. It probably would have updated automatically. Thank you very, very much for all your work.

It looks like you have a workable plan for updating. Hopefully other software packages will adopt this approach as well. Now if we can just get distros to package and backport the latest versions....

I had upgraded about a month ago more or less and after updating, I had to remove it and go back to Musescore 1.3 because there was a conflict with some dependencies.
Specifically, if I recall, unity-webapps needs to be removed but it turns out I need unity-webapps for something else.
Has this been resolved or is there a workaround?

I'm using Ubuntu 14.04.3

In reply to by GratefulDawg

You could try launching from the command line with one of these options:

mscore  -w              # No web view in start center
mscore  -F              # Revert to Factory Settings
mscore  -s              # No internal synthesizer
mscore  -m              # No midi
mscore  -a <driver>     # Use audio driver: jack, alsa, pulse, or portaudio

The "-w" options seems the most likely candidate. Please let me know if you try it. If it works then I can show you how to make the change permanent.

The installation of musescore 2.02 under ubuntu 14.04 is just a catastrophe. I installed it following your instructions:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mscore-ubuntu/mscore-stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install musescore
Musescore was installed and works pretty well, but my Qt development system that was installed on the same computer was completely damaged.
A look to the installation protocol shows what happens:
The following packages are REMOVED:
appmenu-qt5 checkbox-gui liboxideqt-qmlplugin liboxideqtcore0
liboxideqtquick0 libqt5feedback5 libqt5multimedia5 libqt5organizer5
libqt5positioning5 libqt5sensors5 libunity-webapps0 qtcreator
qtcreator-plugin-cmake qtcreator-plugin-qnx qtcreator-plugin-remotelinux
qtcreator-plugin-valgrind qtdeclarative5-qtfeedback-plugin
qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin ubuntu-desktop unity-webapps-common
unity-webapps-qml unity-webapps-service webapp-container webbrowser-app
xul-ext-unity xul-ext-websites-integration

What's here going on to remove a lot of qt packages and qtcreator, which is the name of the package of my software development system ????

In reply to by [DELETED] 673871

I'm sorry it didn't work out for you, but I assure you that the removal of existing packages is not something that I have programmed into the installation process. I simply specify which other packages are needed by MuseScore in order for it to run (i.e. its dependencies) and it is left to the package manager (apt-get) to decide how best to fetch those dependencies. If MuseScore needs a certain version of Qt then that Qt version will be installed. If you already have an older, incompatible version of Qt installed then it will be removed to make way for the new version.

Nowhere in the code have I said "uninstall these packages...". I only say "here are the packages that are needed...". If you have something installed that conflicts with those packages then it gets removed by apt-get. This is the normal behaviour for all Ubuntu/Debian packages.

If you want to uninstall MuseScore and remove its dependencies do this:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:mscore-ubuntu/mscore-stable
sudo apt-get remove --purge musescore
sudo apt-get autoremove --purge

Now you can reinstall the packages you need by doing: sudo apt-get install <packages>

In future you can check for conflicts before installing new software by doing:

# Simulate program installation (but don't actually do it)
# Note: sudo not required for simulation
apt-get -s install <program>

That should tell you if anything will be removed as part of the installation process.

However, please note:

  • Package conflicts are really quite rare and are only likely to be seen on developers' systems rather than ordinary users' machines.
  • The reason conflicts are so rare is that Ubuntu packages in the official repositories are never updated (except for critical security updates). In order to get the latest version of a program you normally have to upgrade Ubuntu itself.
  • The PPA is provided as a way to get the latest MuseScore without having to upgrade Ubuntu, but it is not guaranteed to work for everyone. If it doesn't work on your system then there is very little I can do about it, at least for the time being.

Hello, you said : for Ubuntu and other Debian distributions, but it's only for UBUNTU, not for DEBIAN distributions.
I have Debian, because of i'm not a computer scientist, and Ubuntu is to much complicated for me, and not as secure and as simple as my Debian and i DONT WANT TO CHANGE.
Please don't tell that it's for Debian users, if it's only for UBUNTU users.
THERE IS ACTUALLY NO 2.2 version of Musescore for DEBIAN, as you told me in a private message and you don't want to make one. Like that, it's clearer.

In reply to by benjisan

Your post appears to be directed at me but I have never sent you a private message. (Indeed your contributor's profile shows that you have only posted once before and it was in the French forum on an unrelated topic, so it would have been extraordinarily astute of me to realise you were interested in MuseScore on Debian.) Apologies if your post was not intended for me, but it is factually inaccurate in any case:

It's a matter of opinion whether Ubuntu or Debian is easier to use, but Ubuntu is considered by far one of the easiest Linux distributions to use and it often recommended for beginners. Debian's main strong-point is stability, which tends to be of value to admins rather than ordinary users. Ubuntu receives all of Debian's security related patches.

In reply to by shoogle

I think you are wrong to tell the false idea that this only is a point of view. Ubuntu is very much complicated to use than Debian, it's a common fact. Let's try the two ones and tell me what do you think about it. Yes i took Ubuntu, as many other linux user for 10 years ago, because of the "simplicity" told by Canonical, and many other people. But in fact, it's very hard to configure and not very stable. Since i changed for Debian, all is faster, without bugs and easier, so it's not a simple point of view, it's experience, and reality. Ubuntu makes me think about Microsoft : they tell that their product is the best, but in fact, it's the worst, and the only thing that make some people chose Ubuntu is that users don't know anything other , as the majority of Microsoft users.

I just installed the last version of Musescore 2.0.2 . I didn't see that there is a dependency not satisfied in the .deb : musescore-common 2.0. I just installed it, and it works.

So to install the latest version of Musescore on Debian Jessie, you have to :
1 : edit the /etc/apt/sources.list (with gedit in root : gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and add this line : deb jessie-backports main
2 : Go to the site of Musescore and download the .deb :, and install it with getdeb.
3 : then there is this kind of message : the dependencies of Musescore-common 2.0 is not satisfied, so you have to go to the Debian Packages and to install the musescore-common2.0.deb .
4 : Then click again on the installing Musescore Package and that's it!

In reply to by TokOut

You're welcome! By "suggestion discussion" do you mean you have an idea for a new feature? If this feature would only affect Ubuntu then feel free to post here, but if it's a feature for MuseScore on every platform then it's probably best to create a new post in one of the forums. You can post a link to it here so we can find it.

It seems installing musescore from this ppa breaks python3-pyqt5. python3-pyqt5 requires libqt5core5a version 5.2.1, but musescore installs libqt5core5a version 5.3.0

In reply to by Jellby

The official (and highly recommended) way to install MuseScore is to use the AppImage, which bundles the libraries it requires in one self-contained package, so you don't need to worry about conflicts.

The PPA package upgrades your Qt to the version required by MuseScore, which may be different to the version required by other programs. Unfortunately, you can only have one version of the library installed—this is an inherent feature (cough problem cough) with the Debian packaging system—so you have to choose which program you want to work. Hence the PPA is not the officially supported way of installing MuseScore on Linux.

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