Unable to play sound

• Sep 23, 2015 - 04:15


I've downloaded the lastest version of MuseScore but I'm unable to hear any sound on playback. I'm using Mac OS Y version 10.10.5. Could you help me resolve this issue?



Seems like you have an installation issue, perhaps leftover settings from another version. You can fix this by following the instructions under "Revert to factory settings" in the Handbook.

In reply to by Ang Yang

Hmm. Can you please go to View / Synthesizer and tell us what soundfont you see listed. Also make sure the volume is not turned all the way down. Then go to Edit / Preferences / I/O and tell us what settings see.

Also, be sure it isn't just a question of the sounds in your particular score having been muted - go to View / Mixer and be sure none of the Mute or Solo buttons are pressed, and that the volumes are all reasonable.

Also try a brand new score created from scratch, to be absolutely sure the problem isn't omething specific to one particular score.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi! Thanks for the prompt response. The volume is maxed out. When I go to view/synthesizer, I only see one soundfont: FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3

For I/O, settings are on PortAudio, API: Core Audio, Device: Built-in Output

Yupp I've tried multiple scores as well. Once again thanks for your prompt reply and hopefully your can resolve my issue thanks.

In reply to by Ang Yang

I don't have a Mac so I cannot really test those specific settings. But just to be sure the problem isn't somehow inherent in how you are creating your scores, can you please post a specific score you are having problems with?

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