High tempo marking crashes Musescore 2.02

• Sep 22, 2015 - 02:04

I think there should be some way to "idiot proof" tempo markings so they don't play beyond a certain speed, because it is possible to hang Musescore by creating a high tempo marking and attempting to subsequently play the file.

Loading the attached file and playing it will hang Musescore 2.02 running under Windows 10.

Attachment Size
chun dao xiang jiang.mscz 27.43 KB


I couldn't load the file in 2.02 or the nightly until I manually changed the tempo marking (in the MSCX) to something more reasonable.

I can't even open your score on my arch linux x86-64 labtop...just hangs after I press the Open button.

What order of magnitude tempos crash your machine? 1000bpm, 10,000bpm, 100,000bpm, ...?

EDIT: while I can't load your score, I can manually open it. I see you've set tempo to 1.66667e+94. That is quite large indeed! :)

Maybe something like 1,000,000 bpm should be a max? Even on a score of whole notes, that will be very fast. (I realize there will always be someone who desires to exceed the limitations).

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Here is the original file I was working on when I got the idea for this bug. There's nothing special about it except that it was the file I was working on at the time. Just take the first tempo marking and increase it with the number 9 until the 9s run off the first page and into the second. Then attempt to play the file. It will crash Musescore.

I think arbitrary tempo increases should be capped, regardless of whether this causes a crash or not, because there's no point in having such a high tempo marking anyway.

Attachment Size
chun dao xiang jiang.mscz 33 KB

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