Instrument and Key Signature Names

• Oct 26, 2015 - 14:37

I have used Musescore 1.3 etc before and have downloaded 2.0.2 latest. I notice that Instrument list names that include Flats eg. Eb Brass, Bb cornet etc dont display the correct font Eb or Bb etc.
Also same when hover over with mouse the Key signature Palatte the Flats Eb, Bb names of the key signatures that pop up do not display the Eb or Bb correctly. Also same with the Flats in the accidentals palatte. I am using Windows XP and I need to install a font for 2.0.2 ..?? I think all worked in 1.3. The software appears to work OK otherwise.


You should not need to install a font—more likely, you have a conflicting font that you need to uninstall. Do you have any fonts named Bravura or mscore on your computer?

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

As saind, I think this is an issue where Windows XP, the Qt tranalation mechanism and the use if the b Unicode symbols on transifer don't mix and match.
It might help, if using en_US Settings/locale, to remove the translation files,
C:\Program Files\MuseScore 2\locale\instruments_en_US.qm and C:\Program Files\MuseScore 2\locale\mscore_en_US.qm

Thanks for your replies.
I checked the locale folder and removed the 2 files to another folder and renamed them. No change still same problem. I looked in the fonts folder in windows control panel for the 2 fonts but did not see them....should I be looking somewhere else..???
I have uninstalled 1.3 so only have 2.0.2 installed on PC.

It is not a big problem everything else seems to work OK

Thanks for your help....

I have found out, I can change the names of the Eb Bb etc key signatures in the master palatte window, but when I finish and close the window and display the palattes at the side of the screen it still shows the E with a small square instead of b symbol. Also if I create a custom key signature it does not show in the key signature palate when at side of screen yet it is there in master palatte

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi, thanks for reply, but that is not my problem

The problem is that when I display the palattes list.....View.....Palattes and click on Key signatures and hover over the key sigs. with flats the flat symbol is not displayed eg. Eb Bb etc...just a small square beside the E or B. When I do .....View....Master pallate and clickon Key Signatures I can hover over them and right click and edit their properties and in particular change the small square in the name to a b for flat and it saves there and next time I go to master pallate it is there and reading correctly. When I go back and View.....Palattes and open key sigs. it has not changed here.
How can I edit the ones in the View....Palattes list.???

In reply to by muselt

As I said in my previous response, see the Handbook under "Custom palette" - that is how you add elements to the palettes. Eg, first create a workspace for your changes, then enable editing if necessary, then ctrl+shift+drag elements in, as described in that section of the Handbook.

This doesn't solve the XP-specific font rendering issue, but it *does* explain how to add elements to your palette.

Yes, I know, but it still works......
Doesn't answer the question....why can I edit the names in the View.....master palatte list and the View ...Palattes list names do not change or dont have option to edit their properties

...........Sorry for my confusion...........I didn't associate palettes and workspaces correctly.
When I create a workspace I hadn't realised that a new copy of the palettes was created that was edit enabled in each new workspace. I thought the list of palettes was just the same list as in Basic or Advanced. In Basic and Advanced edit properties is not enables so cannot edit them.

But in New Workspace edit is enabled so can edit OK. I have now edited the names of the flats key signatures to Eb or Bb as required as it was showing a small square after the E or B, so they all read OK now.
Thanks for your help and keeping me on right path until I understood it.
Version 2.0.2 seem very good now compared to older versions...............

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