Audio Contributor

• Oct 29, 2015 - 02:37

Hello, all!

I've used MuseScore for some time, and am looking to aid in its development. In particular, I'm looking to work with some of its audio features, as for the last six months or so, I've been working with 3D audio for an open-source game engine. For MuseScore, perhaps I could work on basic 3D audio and off-stage effects (I know that some composers have been increasingly taking this into account). That's only one idea, of course, and I'd like to know what the community's interested in, audio-wise.

So, with that, I'm very excited to work on MuseScore!


Hi Patrick,

Some quick remarks to frame what I think is important regarding audio in MuseScore.

I believe that the vast majority of MuseScore users knows little about audio processing in general. They just want to write a score and want the score to sound good out of the box. They are not really looking after more settings. Therefore, I believe it's important to consider the reach of a feature when you choose it. For example, 3D audio settings will appeal to very small fraction of the MuseScore userbase while this feature #5178: Change dynamics during single note would impact every single user. This feature is only an example, if you go through the issue tracker and the code, I'm sure you will find other places where MuseScore default audio output can be improved for the benefit of the majority.

To other readers, feel free to suggest some audio related improvements that you believe would impact all MuseScore users.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Yes indeed. That's not to say that 3D audio isn't wanted - just that there are things which need looking at with a higher priority right now.

As far as I am concerned effects bussing is an area which needs looking at, particularly the facility to be able to use an effect either as an aux send or as a channel insert. I believe some work has been done along these lines already, but I'm a little out of touch with where the code has got to atm.

#5178: Change dynamics during single note is important, but to me the solution for that is to implement the MIDI Expression controller #11 rather than to use an audio solution to this problem

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

As far as I know Fluid doesn't support the expression controller out of the box. So it boiled down to an audio issue somehow. Also effect bussing would be nice, but to me, it's only for people who knows what an effect is and mess out with the Mixer so it has less impact than other stuff like the quality of the soundfont, or more default MIDI events coded in the score (like expression controller, but probably some more)

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Just checked on Fluid and the expression controller and according to the list they have posted at Sourceforge Fluidsynth supports Controller #11 via the SF2 default modulators.

I'll do a little digging into the SF2 format to make sure that it doesn't need activating in the soundfont - I think the use of the Expression controller is wide enough for that to be the case, but it still needs checking on to be sure.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

That's a very good point, and I certainly don't want to get ahead of myself (or cause too much feature creep). That does sound like a MIDI controller issue rather than an audio one as ChurchOrganist mentioned, I think using some of the aftertouch messages (I might be wrong on that one, though).

In reply to by Patrick Celentano

Not aftertouch - by default that is mapped to the Vibrato LFO pitch depth in the Soundfont 2.1 spec, and indeed that is how it works when using controlling Fluidsynth from a MIDI keyboard - I had to keep switching it off at the keyboard in a production I was playing in recently.

Consequently it would have to be specially mapped from within the soundfont.

Controller #11 OTOH defaults to "Initial Attenuation" - which I assume means volume as Controller #7 (Channel Volume) is also mapped to that according to the SF2.1 spec.

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