Key signature diagram (circle of fifths)

• Aug 20, 2011 - 19:47

I put this together for my theory class, and thought I'd share it as an example of something a little non-obvious that can be done in MuseScore. I use horizontal spacers to position the measures on the page, and the right-click option to hide the naturals that would otherwise be displayed on each key change. I used the Snippet Creator plugin to save it as a PNG.

circle - keys.png

Attachment Size
circle of fifths key signatures.mscz 2.68 KB
circle - keys.png 27.54 KB


A.W.E.S.O.M.E ! I made a couple of flash card templates and I have some where a 4 column templates. What about creating a "music education resources" group on ?

Given that MuseScore is used a lot in music education, I think that this ought to be a formal section within this site. (Perhaps subject to moderation to maintain quality and focus.)

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Btw, I'm listed as moderator because I created it, but I don't have any sort of agenda. If others feel they would like to take on amore active role, let me know, and I'll assign you moderator status.

I do like the idea of featuring this sort of content hee on as well, but perhaps the most straightforward way to do that would be to simply include a link to the group on We keep talking about having a main "documentation" page with links to the handbook, tutorials, and other resources. That might be the place to feature a link to the group.

Could you add the corresponding minor key names? Like C <-> am?

Maybe the keys with 7 accidentials, C# <-> a#m and Cb <-> abm could get mentione too?

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