
• Jan 21, 2016 - 11:09

MS 2.0.2 & Win 7

There seems to be an oddity when entering notes into an anacrusis with more than 1 beat.
With a single beat anacrusis, I just type "N" to start note entry and everything is fine.
However, with an anacrusis of > 1 beat this doesn't work as expected.
I have a song in 3:2 time with an anacrusis that has 3 crotchet beats (so I set the anacrusis as 3:4, so it shows as a 2 beat rest plus a 1 beat rest.
When I press "N" to start note entry, MS highlights the LAST beat of the anacrusis and NOT the first beat as expected. It's not a major problem to get round (when I remember) but is that how MS is supposed to work?


I can't reproduce. I created a score from scratch in 3/2 and with a 3/4 anacrusis. Press N position the cursor on the first beat of the first measure, the anacrusis one.
Can you provide exact steps to reproduce?

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Started from scratch with 32 bars with 3:2 time signature with anacrusis shown as 3:4. The anacrusis is shown as a 2 beat rest plus a 1 beat rest file saved as "Anacrusis start"
Press "N" in the anacrusis to enter notes. Highlights the LAst beat of the anacrusis. Select duration of 5 and enter a note and it goes in as the last beat of the bar, ignores the 2 beat rest.
File saved as "Anacrusis after input"

Attachment Size
Anacrusis start.mscz 4.22 KB
Anacrusis after input.mscz 4.09 KB

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Actually, you are welcome to select the measure, but the behavior will be, the cursor is positioned at the end of the measure. If the measure happens to be empty, the end is the same as beginning of course, but if the measure is not empty - if it contains any notes or rests - then enter starts with the last note or rest. The idea being that you presumably want to continue where you left off, I guess, but of course, it's just a guess, and you can move the cursor wherever you like. Anyhow, has nothing to do with anacrusis per se that I can tell.

Thanks Guys, most helpful as ever.

I understand what's happening with regard to "empty" bars and that a bar with a rest is not empty.
I also know how to do the job correctly.
Brilliant software.
Any date been (tentatively) set for the next release?

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