Multiple lyric lines overlap

• Sep 26, 2011 - 13:38

I have created a score for a four part song on two staves, with four verses of lyrics between. The lyric lines overlap and I can't seem to change the line spacing.

I've attached the score.

Attachment Size
Only Remembered.mscz 5.82 KB


I don't see them overlap. I see some words of the 1st verse collide with some stems from the stave above and some words of the refrain to collide with a slur from the stave belowe though. This can get changed in Menu/Style/Edit General Style.../Page/Lyrics upper margin and Lyrics lower margin.
Is that what you meant?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hi Jojo

On my computer, the lyric lines are closer than standard text spacing - for example, the ascender on 'd' of "done" touches the line above. My reading of the manual suggests this spacing should be automatic.

Ha ha! MS crashed and I reloaded. The file now shows correct spacing. I remember reading elsewhere that some errors are corrected on re-loading the file

Hey ho!

The first couple of songs i did the multiple verses spaced out just fine. Then i came back the next day to do the rest of the project and multiple verses overlap - I had to drag the words apart and it just isn't pretty, as well as time consuming. I'm making lead sheets, not full piano accomp. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

how do you post a file? When i typed the lyrics today, they looked fine, so i saved the doc. then when i opened later to print they're all mushed up. sorry for my ignorance, i'm new to this software. thanks in advance for help. i see the attach button at the bottom of the screen, when i browse, my files can't be found. when i search from the control panel they can't be found, i can only get to them if i open musescore.

Hi everyone! So, I'm having some serious issues with my Hymn Transcription homework for my theory class. I have tried extending margins, reducing and increasing stretch, everything I can possibly think of.
If anyone can take a look at this and help me out, that would be wonderful, because this is due this week, and I'm at a loss.

Anyone know how I can fix this?


Attachment Size
Alleluia!_Sing_to_Jesus_174.mscz 8.12 KB

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