Musescore Completely Freezes Computer on Startup

• Mar 18, 2016 - 20:48

Recently I've been trying to use Musescore, and it's been working fine for a while, but up until a few weeks ago and right now, even, every time I open the program, it completely freezes my computer. The splash screen doesn't show up and if I wait too long, my entire computer freezes and I can't do anything. I have to force shutdown and restart my computer, which I know isn't healthy. I don't know anything about computer specs, but I would love any answer as to how to fix this. I've looked at other topics concerning this issue but they haven't given any solutions.

Here are the things I've already tried that haven't worked: command prompt opening with "-s" and "-w" and "-f"; opening a score instead of the program; uninstalling and reinstalling; plugging in my headphones/my speaker before starting.

My antivirus has no issue with Musescore. I'm on Windows 8, 64 bit.


What OS are you on? Have ou checked the Handbook under "Known incompatibilities"? Have you tried following the steps under "Revert to factory settings"? What happens if you start from the command line with the "-s" or "-w" options?

Two thoughts:

1. Have you tried using System Restore and going to a Restore point before the date on which the problem first manifested itself?

2. What other software or automatic updates have been installed on the computer recently? If you allow Microsoft (or any other software vendor) to update automatically, you will probably have to check the log files to find out. If you can pinpoint which update or software installation coincides with the date the problem started, you can try uninstalling the update or program to see if that helps.

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