Default placement cresc. and dim. text

• Apr 28, 2016 - 16:24

It seems the new cresc. and dim. items in the line palet are not placed using the vertical default position that can be set in the style value for hairpins.

Which value in the style settings is controlling the placement of these items? Or should they be placed according to the value in this style setting and is this a bug?


s noted in the issue, this is not a bug but a deliberate design decision to use the Dynamics text style instead of the Hairpin style. The main reason is, the Hairpin style normally needs to be set lower than Dynamics so they visually appear aligned (the *centers* are what should align, not the baselines). Following this would have led to the cresc lines being off by half the height of a crescendo line. While we could have tried to fudge that, it seemed more logically to just use the dynamics text style, since that it what we are really trying to align with anyhow, and whereas that wouldn't have worked for hairpins because of the centering issue, it works perfectly for cresc/dim lines. This would also make the behavior consistent with a plain "cresc" or "dim" element added as a Dynamic rather than as a Line.

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