Drumset beams

• Sep 13, 2016 - 05:39

Look at this picture:


Should not the beams be horizontal by default?


Some prefer that, yes. We do provide the ability to make indiviual beams horizontal via the Inspector, or to make them horizontal score-wide via Style / General / Beams, but no way to specify that a given staff has horizontal beams by default. The ability to have style parameters that are specific to individual staves is something I would definitely like to see some day.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Many thanks for the reply. I'll refer this to my Italian interlocutor. He might grumble a little but he appreciates MuseScore and his constant improvements.

Meanwhile: Right-click a BEAM-> Select-> more-> Same stave-> Inspector-> Horizontal
(It might be useful for the readers)

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