Composing Without Measure Lines, Keys, or Time Signatures

• May 28, 2012 - 21:20

I am a music education major in college and i am frequently composing for multiple instruments and would like to write free-versed music without measure lines, keys, or time signatures. While I have found this software to be a great resource for writing tonal pieces that conform to keys and time signatures, I am in need of a way to notate my music that doesn't fit those constraints. I would like to use this software to notate modal melodies that run in open territory outside of rigid bars and strict keys. Beyond atonal music, I would also like to be able to use this sort of notation for my jazz pieces. This sort of musical composition is less commonly used, but is in need of musical notation nonetheless. Writing without measure breaks can be useful for writing melodies or modal or jazz pieces and I would love to be able to do so outside of handwritten music.

Thank you for your consideration of the needs of musicians everywhere.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The Split-Measure is somewhat useful, however, I am talking about having an option to drop measure lines from the beginning, or possibly to use/not-use measure lines. Beyond that, I still need there to be an option when creating a new score to choose "No Marked Key Signature" or "No Marked Time Signature."

In reply to by landonwynne

Yes - that would be very useful to me too, but we're both singing from the smae hymnsheet :)

I doubt whether this could appear in the next version - I'm not even sure that the data structures would cope with it, but if we keep asking then it may happen for the next rewrite.

This is exactly what I'm looking for. Remove the measure cage and set the tune free. Five hoizontal lines, notes, rests...and let'er fly.

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