
• Dec 28, 2016 - 07:30

Where is rit. ?

Attachment Size
Tempo.zip 236.52 KB


In reply to by jeetee

Thank you, but TempoChanges can't be installed on my PC, because my version Musescore is 1.3! I want to install it, but it dosn't work, because plugins for 1.x have a .js extension, if they come with a GUI they also have files with a .ui Extension. Plugins for 2.0 have a .qml Extension and the GUI, if any, is build in, no .ui files. My file has .qml Extension and it dosn't work. This plugin is exactly for me! What I can do now?

In reply to by Atanas1223

Being the author of that plugin I can confirm that I do not intend to work on backporting to 1.3; there are enough things to deal with to get MuseScore moving forward on which I'd rather spend my time.

I would also urge you to do try again to 'get used' to the newer/latest MuseScore. There have been over 250 bugfixes included in the latest minor release alone, so when coming from 1.3 the count is even a lot higher.
Also note that if you keep on using 1.3, the online sharing platform musescore.com is no longer able to receive your scores.

In reply to by jeetee

Not just bug fixes - tons of new features, improvements to how your score looks and sounds, etc. Yes, there are differences to adjust to, but rest assured, it is *well* worth it! And if you have any trouble figuring things out, just ask here. A few things move from one menu to another, a few procedures got simplified so you have to learn the new easier of doing them, but everything you could do before you can do now - just easier, faster, and better.

In reply to by jeetee

@Jeetee: attach the completed German translation for your plugin
(I can't attach the qm file here too)

Edit: now also as a PR.
BTW: instead of having an attachment to https://musescore.org/project/tempochanges, you can have a direct download link to your GitHub repo, https://github.com/jeetee/MuseScore_TempoChanges/zipball/master

Edit 2: I just noticed that you take those translations I added straight from MuseScore, so no need to have them translated for the plugin. True for "Apply" and "Staff Text", but maybe not for "No score open. ..."?

Edit 3: Looks like that string has the wrong context. PR amended, attachment removed

In reply to by Atanas1223

Nothing of what I wrrote has to do anything with that plugin not working for you, and I am at a loss to understand why it doesn't.
Except: you are, against the recommendation, installing it in MuseScore's system wide Location ("%ProgramFiles(x86)%\MuseScore 2\Plugins"), not (one of) the user's personal location(s) ("%LOCALAPPDATA%\MuseScore\MuseScore 2\plugins" or better"%HOMEPATH%\Documents\MuseScore2\Plugins"), maybe that is the reason?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Nor "%LOCALAPPDATA%\MuseScore\MuseScore 2\plugins" or "%HOMEPATH%\Documents\MuseScore2\Plugins") are found on my computer! Do you want to say in
C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\MuseScore, or C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScore2\plugins? (Please, watch the video and see what strange things are in my musescore folders!)

Attachment Size
Bugs.zip 1.1 MB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

My best guess is somehow an incompatible version of some DLL or other shared library relating to Qt is installed and interfering with MuseScore's operation. I'm not familiar enough with how Windows manages versioning of these files to know what to look for. By default, I'd assume MuseScore would use the copy of these libraries it ships with, but somehow this is being overridden (an environment variable? registry setting?) and it is using some other copy of these libraries.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

It indeed looks as if you have a different (or missing) version of the underlying libraries; possibly remedied by a reïnstall.

Default search locations in order of importance are:
1. explicit path loaded by executable
2. Same directory as executable
3. PATH environment variable locations, in the order they appear in this variable.
(4. depending on windows version, access level and registry: windows DLL cache)

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The general QtQuick/QtQml dlls are indeed within the same directory, and power the core of the plugins (which also work for the OP).
Some additional dlls however are located at subdirectories of ../qml/ and I expect it to be those that are overridden by system versions…

In this specific case I suspect ..\qml\QtQuick\Dialogs\dialogplugin.dll and ..\qml\QtQuick\Dialogs\Private\dialogsprivateplugin.dll to be the culprits.

[EDIT] @OP: can you check if these two dll's are at their correct locations and do not occur elsewhere on your computer?

In reply to by jeetee

To clarify (for my benefit as well as the OP's) - by ".." you mean relative to "bin", so we're basically talking about C:\Program File (x86)\MuseScore 2\qml\QtQuick\Dialogs (assuming standard installation folder of C:\Program Files (x86)\MuseScore 2)?

In reply to by Atanas1223

Looks like yoi failed with the 1st step using that plugin:
1.Select the range of notes over which the tempo change has to take place
Instead you selected a single note. Also this Looks like a double-click?
You need to select a range, (single-)click 1st note, shift+click last note.

But even using what you did, the dialog should appear (it just won't do any good), and does for me, so I guess there's something else going wrong, in addition.

In reply to by jeetee

Mine is empty. "ABC Import, scorelist, scoreview, and helloQML didn't work, but Color notes and notes name are woking", but what's your version of Musescore? Mine in 2.0.3!

Please watch the video to see how the random, random2, and createscore works!

Attachment Size
Bugs.zip 860.14 KB

CAUTION!!! PLEASE DON'T WRITE MORE ON THIS POST, because I have another problem with my computer (very hard to solve), which isn't affined with Musescore 2.0.3. I should give my computer to expert to solve the problem (which I don't now when will happen), and then I will reinstall musescore. NOTE, I noticed that this problem affects the other programs also, so... I close this forum-post for now!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

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