Bars Jumping/Wrapping When They Shouldn't

• Jan 22, 2017 - 03:12

When I've selected a bar and try to edit it, every time I change something in that bar, or even change the input note selected, the bar jumps from one page to the other. In the attachment on bar 53, editing anything on the page where this bar is causes this to happen.



Can you give precise steps to reproduce the problem?

In general, if a measure is just barely on the edge of fitting on a line, it would be perfectly normal that any change that increases its width would push it to the next line. Just like with word wrap in a word processor, if a word just barely fits on one line, any change that lengthens it moves it to the next line.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

For example, when, as you said, placing a note does push the bar to the next page, but for some reason, placing multiple notes will cause the bar to go back and forth between the pages, or moving a note up and/or down (without creating ledger lines) causes this to happen. Also, if that bar is selected with note input mode on, and I change the length of note I wish to place, the bar jumps without me actually changing anything within the score. The only way I've found that stops this jumping is to place a bar break after that bar.

In reply to by mattjosh01

If placing the second note somehow makes the measure smaller again - like maybe it removes an accidental? - then this would again be perfectly normal. It's also possible this measure is *so* close to either fitting not that it is a simple roundoff issue - like it can't decide whether to round 3.499999 up or down. Again, in order to investigate, we need precise steps to reproduce whatever it is you are seeing. I couldn't find a way to make a measure move just by adding one note, but I don't what note you are trying to add or exactly where you are adding it.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Well, when I select measure 53, in the percussion 1 part in the piece I attached, for example, and select that bar and press the "n" key to enter note input mode, when I try to change the type of note selected (eg: 8th, 16th etc.), the bar jumps back and forth. When I change or remove a note in that bar this also happens. I'm using Musescore 2.0.2, and this does make it a bit tedious to insert notes here. Also this bar jumping also occurs when I do as I said above in any other bar on the two pages where bar 53 jumps back and forth (9&10). A way to reproduce this would be to select a note in the percussion 1 part on bar 53, and try moving a note up or down using the mouse, another way is to add notes to perc. 1 in bar 54. Yet another way is to select bar 53, and press "n" for note input, and change the note type selected and/or change the note to a rest in the top left note selection part.

In reply to by mattjosh01

Maybe using 2.0.2 is part of the problem; a bug may have been fixed since then. But I could still use more *precise* instructions. Like tell me *exactly* which note to click, *exactly* what buttons to press in what order. BTW, for me, 53 is the first measure of page 10. I tried clicking the first note of the percussion 1 part in that measure then pressing 5 to turn it into a quarter note (thus "eating" the next two sixteenths). The measure gets slightly narrower, but still starts page 10. I then press 6 to turn it into a half note, thus "eating" the next three notes. The measure gets narrower still, but still starts page 10. I then press 7 to turn it into a whole note, thus "eating" the next six notes. Now, finally, the measure becomes so narrow that it fits on the end of page 9. This is all perfectly normal.

In reply to by mattjosh01

sorry, everyone in the world but marc has seen this happen. It's not fixed in 2.0.3 or 2.1. It's still annoying. Perhaps when MuseScore stops redrawing every measure (in the background) every time a button is pushed in 3.0 this will stop. Entering notes in continuous view makes this happen less, but it still occasionally happens.

In reply to by mike320

On the contrary, I *have* seen it happen - there are a number of bugs that can lead to bars jumping *other* than in the normal cases I have described. And when people have given us clear and reproducible examples of this, we have fixed them. I myself have fixed several such bugs. One of them, for example, specifically involved courtesy key signatures at the end of a line messing up width calculations in the presence of transposing instruments. I can't remember if this was fixed for 2.0.2 or not, but it is definitely fixed for 2.0.3.

Anyhow, on this particular file, using 2.0.3, I can't reproduce a problem. Can you? If so, then please help out by providing clear steps to reproduce the problem so we can investigate if there is another bug here at play.

EDIT: see for instance #36256: Layout shift on each layout - courtesy key signature calculation? and #93006: Shift on each relayout in score with multiple staves and courtesy key signature. I suspect this will turn out to be the latter, in which case, it was indeed fixed for 2.0.3.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

For me, there are multiple ways to reproduce the problem, but here is what I did when the problem started: I am zoomed to 200% so I can see the score clearly, and I am on page view with the "concert pitch" button on. I placed the AM/Fm Key Signature down on bar 53 (At the end on 52) along with a double bar line. I then wrote "Ritenuto" at the top with system text, along with invisible tempo markings to play the ritenuto. I inserted the trumpet notes by hand (Clicking on the bar), and then selected the three trumpet parts and placed a decrescendo on them. I then began writing the Euph. Part and the jumping started. From then, every note I added, removed, or changed made bar 53 jump from page 9 to 10. Any note I touch around those bars makes the jumping happen.

In reply to by mattjosh01

The score as you posted it already has the key signature and the ritenuto as well as notes in the trumpet and euphonium parts, so it still isn't clear how to reproduce a problem. I told you *precisely* what I did in an attempt to reproduce a problem in the percussion part since that is what you originally described. Do i take your new instructions to mean you no longer see problems with the percussion part either, but only with euphonium? If so, please give me *precise* steps to follow, starting with the score *as you posted it*.

Here is what I tried:

1) click first note in euphonium part, bar 53
2) press 6 to change to half note - no change to measure width or layout
4) press 7 to change to whole note - slight increase in measure width, no change to layout
5) press 3 to change to sixteenth note - slight increase in measure width, no change to layout
6) start pressing "C" to enter more sixteenth notes - slight changes to measure width as rests get added and deleted, but no change to layout at any time

So again, using 2.0.3, I cannot reproduce a problem with this score and the steps suggested.

Given that the description of the issue I mentioned previously fits this case *exactly*, I can only assume you are seeing the effect of a bug that has already been fixed, so you simply need to update to 2.0.3 and all will be well.

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